Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Zarif says Tehran to host Syria talks within Astana format

TEHRAN – Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif announced on Monday that Tehran will soon host a meeting on Syria on the basis of the Astana talks.
During a joint press conference with Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu in Ankara in Ankara, Zarif said leaders of Russia, Iran and Turkey plan to hold a virtual summit in line with the Astana talks.
He also said that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will visit Iran during which the two countries will sign economic agreements.
The Astana format was launched by Russia, Turkey and Iran in January 2017 in an effort to bring all warring parties in Syria to the negotiating table as a complementary part of the UN-sponsored peace talks in Geneva.
‘Iran to export natural gas to Turkey’
Zarif also said that based on the agreements between the two countries, Iran will export natural gas to Turkey.
Elsewhere, he said that the two countries have resumed business flights which were stopped after the coronavirus outbreak.
The foreign minister also said that the two countries will cooperate in fighting the coronavirus.
‘Turkey is against sanctions on Iran’
Cavusoglu, for his part, said that Turkey is against sanctions on Iran.
“Iran’s stability and peace is important for us,” Cavusoglu said. “We oppose unilateral sanctions. In fact, the pandemic has taught us that the world needs greater cooperation and solidarity.”
He said that Iran and Turkey will resume flights on August 1.
Cavusoglu said the coronavirus pandemic taught the world the necessity of unity.
So, Turkey will continue cooperation with Iran, he said.
Zarif describes talks as ‘productive’
Zarif said in a tweet that he held “productive talks” with senior Turkish officials.
“Productive talks with my friend @MevlutCavusoglu
& other senior officials in Istanbul. In-depth exchange & fruitful decisions on bilateral cooperation, and also regional & global issues. Close consultations imperative. Next stop: Moscow. Neighbors always our priority,” he tweeted.

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