The strategy of confronting the Resistance Axis is a strategy that has long been pursued by the opponents of this axis, namely the Hebrew-Arab-Western camp; the strategy is sometimes pursued in the economic and political as well as military spheres.
It can be said that we are always witnessing a change in the strategy of the opposition axis with the aim of weakening the Resistance Axis, considering the current situation in the region.
Due to the economic situation and issues in the Middle East, from Lebanon to Iraq and Syria, dissatisfaction increased in October last year and the atmosphere assumed political and security orientation. From security point of view, the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani took place, and the confrontation between the two axes intensified, and before that, there were political debates. The same issues led to the fall of several governments in the region; For example, Saad Hariri resigned in Lebanon and Adel Abdul Mahdi stepped down in Iraq, and political unrest continued.
Now that the corona crisis has become more serious, advancing political and security goals has been somewhat challenging. Therefore, it seems that the Hebrew-Arab-Western axis has seen the space suitable in different regions to move towards its previous policies, of course, taking into account the new conditions. At the same time, we see in the Syrian debate that Israel has intensified its attacks on different parts of the country. The strategy had waned before the recent developments in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon in 2019, and there was hope among the opposition that a peaceful political climate in the Middle East would emerge after a period of unrest, especially after the assassination of Sardar Soleimani.
But in Lebanon, we did not see this, and Mr. Hassan Diab, who is also an ally of the Hezbollah, came to power, and in Iraq, Mustafa al-Kazemi, who has been endorsed by the Resistance Axis was elected prime minister. As a result, we are now seeing a strategy to intensify the Zionist regime’s attacks in Syria, that is, to carry out limited and managed operations. Another issue is that in the Arab world, groups that used to operate in the form of ISIS and are now active in a small geography in some Sunni areas of Iraq and eastern Syria have been able to recover. This is a sign of their resurgence and could make it difficult for countries such as Iraq, Lebanon and even Syria to stabilize. It should be noted that the Resistance Axis in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon had the upper hand during this period, and therefore this axis will undoubtedly not seek geopolitical change but stability.
But the Zionist regime and the West, which have not achieved their goals, are seeking change. Therefore, the activation of ISIS in Iraq means returning to the group’s previous policies, and they want to disrupt the Iraqi political scene.
On the other hand, as the end of the Iran arms embargo is approaching, the United States and its allies in the international arena are desperately seeking to create a rift between Iran, Russia and Syria, and there are many rumors on differences between the three countries. However, much of the news does not exist in the real world, and is somehow narrative and aimed at complicating bilateral cooperation in Syria.
When we want to complete this puzzle, the issue of the Syrian Kurds is also included because the Syrian Kurds, who were allies of the United States, are being harmed by the activation of ISIS. Therefore, considering the issue of the Kurdish conflict with ISIS, it is concluded that some people are trying to bring the Syrian scene back. Putting these issues together, it can be concluded that corona disease has created space for the Americans to re-enter the space of consensus against Iran and the Resistance Axis in the political and security spheres. The United States has recently repeatedly claimed that Iran’s actions are causing spread of terrorism, so that it can draw the support of European countries. Also in relation to the Zionist regime, as its government was formed it seems that they will intensify their attacks on Syria, and this requires more intelligence and a more serious strategy. As a result, because the US-led Hebrew-Arab-Western axis has not been able to contain the Resistance Axis in the political and security spheres, it has entered a military phase, namely the expansion of the Zionist regime’s attacks and the revival of ISIS.
They want to activate the military dimension of the Resistance Axis, because the more the military dimension of the Resistance is activated, the more it will be in line with the goals of the opposition axis.