Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Israel can no longer wage any war on Lebanon

Sayyed Nasrallah:

Israel can no longer wage any war on Lebanon
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah on Monday condemned the series of blasts which stormed Sri Lanka, stressing that culprits lack innate humane nature and calling for a comprehensive confrontation with terrorism and its supporters. 
AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah on Monday condemned the series of blasts which stormed Sri Lanka, stressing that culprits lack innate humane nature and calling for a comprehensive confrontation with terrorism and its supporters. 

In his speech during Hezbollah ceremony, marking Imam Mahdi (P) Birthday and the 34th anniversary of establishing Imam Mahdi Scouts, Sayyed Nasrallah congratulated the Muslims and Christians on the holidays, stressing the importance of preserving those holidays despite the terrorist attacks which are moving from one country to another, including Yemen and occupied Palestine. 

His eminence clarified that the followers of all the heavenly religions agree on the concept of the emergence of a savior, despite the differences over his identity, adding that this concept gives people hope to confront oppression. 

“However, despair leads to surrender and loss.” 

Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that if the Palestinians did not remain hopeful, Trump would impose the ‘Deal of the Century’ on them, adding that hope and trust in God have enabled them to challenge all the world’s tyrants. 

Lebanon had a clear experience in the resistance field, according to Sayyed Nasrallah who pointed out that when Hezbollah started its military operations against the Israeli occupation army, some Lebanese doubted and questioned the feasibility of this track. 

“Had the Lebanese given up hope in Holy God surrendered in face of the Zionist enemy, Trump would have offered Lebanon to the Israeli entity.” 

Hezbollah Leader hailed the Imam Al-Mahdi Scouts Association for its augmenting efforts in the various educational and social domains despite the hard circumstances, calling on parents and municipalities to encourage the children to join scouts, in general, and Al-Madi Scouts, in particular. 

Sayyed Nasrallah said all the Lebanese political parties have agreed that the country is suffering from a deep economic crisis and that a consensual solution must be reached. 

“All the parties must hold a national responsibility and approve the needed austerity measures, away from the personal, regional and sectarian interests. All suggestions must be mulled carefully before taking the necessary decisions.” 

Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that Hezbollah would join all the other parties in holding the national responsibility of taking the necessary measures needed to cope with the economic crisis, revealing that the party’s specialized committees (formed of ministers, parliament members and experts) have mulled the possible solutions which require patience and sagacity. 

“Hezbollah is ready its draft solutions in the cabinet sessions, not via the media outlets. However, we reiterate our rejection of tampering with the incomes of the poor.” 

Sayyed Nasrallah denied categorically the report published by one of the Kuwaiti newspapers which attributed to his eminence statements about an imminent war expected to be launched by the Israeli enemy on Lebanon next summer. 

“I have never said that neither in a public meeting, nor in a closed session.” 

His eminence also denied that he had said that during the upcoming war the Resistance leadership and senior commanders would be killed, stressing that death depends on the divine will and hoping that he himself will participate in liberating occupied Palestine and pray at Al-Aqsa Mosque. 

“Although the Resistance always prepares for the worst possibilities, I personally tend to rule out the possibility of witnessing an Israeli war on Lebanon because the enemy’s ‘home’ front is not ready for that.” 

Sayyed Nasrallah also stressed that all the Israeli claims about their ability to intercept missiles are false, adding all their measures will fail to achieve that purpose. 

Neither the air force nor the ground forces can settle the battle in favor of the Israeli enemy, according to Sayyed Nasrallah who added that the Zionists themselves acknowledge that their infantry troops are unable to wage any war. 

Sayyed Nasrallah underlined that the Zionist enemy is deceptive by nature, adding this imposes on the Resistance to be ready to confront any Israeli military escalation. 

His eminence also said that some think that the financial pressure on Hezbollah would lead the party to surrender and that there is no need for any Israeli war on the Resistance 

Sayyed Nasrallah warned against the negative economic consequences of such rumors on Lebanon ahead of the summer season, calling on the media outlets to check their veracity before circulating them. 

Sayyed Nasrallah noted that a lot of media outlets are involved in circulating false news reports, citing two examples: 

“Al-Arabiya news network circulated false rumors about clashes between Iranian and Russian troops in Syria’s Aleppo and Deir Ezzor. Actually cooperation among the allies in Syria is still ongoing.” 

“News websites falsely quoted the Israeli ‘justice’ minister as saying that ‘Israel’ would eradicate all the Arabs in northern Africa.” 

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah on Monday highlighted the shameful role of Saudi and Emirates in the Middle East, stressing that they both have contributed to the terrorist instability and chaos in the region. 

The thought of the terrorist groups has been based on the Saudi Wahhabism, according to Sayyed Nasrallah who added that KSA will price of supporting and fostering those groups, citing ISIL attack on a police station in northern Riyadh on Sunday (April 21). 

In his speech during Hezbollah ceremony, marking Imam Mahdi (P) Birthday and the 34th anniversary of establishing Imam Mahdi Scouts, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that the terrorist groups which stormed many of the regional countries have been backed and reinforced by Saudi and Emirates, highlighting their brutal war on Yemen. 

Sayyed Nasrallah added that after the US president Donald Trump decided to end the waivers on Iran oil imports, Saudi and Emirates pledged to increase their oil production in order to maintain the international prices, describing this move as shameful. 

Hezbollah Secretary General considered that the US act against Iran endangers the world’s countries and violates all the international laws and treaties, calling for confronting this hostile trend. 

Sayyed Nasrallah finally noted that “we belong to a folk who has always defeated the occupiers and usurpers,” reiterating that “we will emerge victorious from all the upcoming challenges, depending on our power, sagacity and hope in God”. 

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