Monday, October 14, 2024

Messages and Strategic Implications of the Operation True Promise-2

Strategic Council Online - Opinion: Operation True Promise-2, whose targets included the safest places of the Zionist regime, caused a lot of damage, while the number of ballistic missiles fired, which is the largest number in one day in history, is unprecedented in the lifetime of the Zionist regime.

Hamid Khoshayand – an expert on regional issues

This operation, which was carried out based on the principle of “legitimate defense,” has significant strategic messages and consequences, the most important of which are mentioned below:


One: Restraint against the enemy who commits terrorist acts against the Islamic Republic of Iran or threatens its interests and national security is “temporary” and “tactical.” Because in the end, the Islamic Republic of Iran does not recognize a red line in the legitimate defense of its sovereignty and national security, as well as the defense of its allies, especially against the Zionist regime.

Two: In recent weeks, the Zionist regime, thinking that it has messed up the “rules of the game” in the region, had intensified its terrorist operations, especially in Lebanon, so that in addition to the continuous explosions and killing of civilians and attacks on residential areas, a group of Lebanese resistance commanders led by Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah was martyred, which should not remain unanswered.

Iran’s recent missile operation and subsequent intensification of Lebanon’s Resistance operations against the Zionist regime, so that it carried out 27 anti-Zionist operations in just one day, conveys this important message to the Zionists that the “initiative” of determining the “rules of the game” in the region is still in the hands of the Resistance Front.

Three: The Islamic Republic of Iran pursues its foreign policy interests and goals, preferably by avoiding war and conflict. Although Iran has not initiated any war in the past centuries, it defends itself against belligerent governments and forces and is not afraid of war.

Four: The Islamic Republic of Iran’s ballistic missiles hitting strategic targets in the Occupied Territories means that all parts of occupied Palestine are within range, and if Iran wants, more advanced and destructive attacks can be carried out easily.

Five: By attacking military and security positions, the Islamic Republic of Iran showed that it always adheres to the principles and components of ethics and human rights.


The Sadeq-2 operation has and will have important consequences in various military, security, economic, and social fields (increasing immigration from occupied Palestine), and three important consequences are mentioned below:

One; The Zionist regime always tries to hide the fragile nature of its deterrence by various means, especially the “extreme censorship” that dominates its atmosphere. But this issue means that the regime’s “deterrence” power lost its effectiveness in Iran’s recent missile operations, and its reality was exposed.

The centers that were targeted in the Sadeq 2 operation, including the Navatim base, were among the most sensitive and secretive centers of the Zionist regime, which, according to some experts, is considered the safest place in the world due to the presence of advanced and complex systems in that area.

Targeting such centers, which were unique in terms of security protection levels and mechanisms in the world, means that the defense and deterrence power of the Zionist regime has been questioned despite the advanced defense systems that spend billions of dollars annually to equip and maintain them.

Two; The Sadeq 2 operation was carried out under conditions the Islamic Republic of Iran promised to do weeks ago. Therefore, during this period, the regime upgraded its defense infrastructure quantitatively and qualitatively up to seven times, while the role of the United States in upgrading the anti-missile systems of the Zionist regime was also significant.

Therefore, carrying out such an operation, in which about 90% of the missiles hit the designated targets by passing through several layers of defense consisting of regional and Zionist defenses, is considered a big “intelligence and security failure” for Tel Aviv that cannot be hidden or covered up.

Three; Intoxicated by the subsequent explosions and the assassination of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, Netanyahu wanted to create a so-called “new order” in the region, but the missile operation of the Islamic Republic of Iran destroyed Netanyahu’s declaration project of a new order, which he unveiled with the assassination of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah.

Final point

Firing ballistic missiles deep into the Occupied Territories was the first wave of Operation Sadeq-2. This means that the operation for further deterrence is not over yet. Therefore, if the Zionist regime continues its evils, it will definitely face a stronger response, and this time, its vital infrastructure will be targeted.

The Islamic Republic of Iran closely monitors the movements of the Zionist regime and its regional and transregional supporters. Iran’s missile operation is a serious warning to the supporters of the regime to separate their accounts from this regime because their support for the Zionist regime can expand the scope of Iran’s punitive measures and include the interests of the countries that support the usurper regime.

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