Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Iran enjoys inherent right to self-defense under international law

Abbas-Ali Kadkhodaei

Source: Al Mayadeen English

Countries supporting the Israeli regime should be aware that future generations will judge their actions in light of the documented events.

The United Nations General Assembly, in resolution A/ES-10/L.31/Rev.1 of September 13, 2024, condemned the Israeli regime’s ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories. The resolution, adopted with overwhelming support, affirms the illegality of the occupation under international law and calls for "Israel’s" immediate withdrawal of all military forces. The General Assembly also urged all States to cease arms transfers to "Israel" and to refrain from engaging in economic or trade dealings with the occupation regime.

In its 2004 advisory opinion, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) condemned "Israel’s" construction of a wall in occupied Palestinian territory and deemed it a violation of international law. Twenty years later, on July 19, 2024, the ICJ reaffirmed its earlier ruling, declaring "Israel’s" continued occupation of Palestinian territory to be illegal and in violation of international law. The Court emphasized the world's obligation to bring this illegal occupation to an end.

The United Nations General Assembly, Security Council, and International Court of Justice have repeatedly condemned the use of force to acquire territory. The prohibition on the acquisition of territory through the use of force is a fundamental principle of international law, considered a peremptory norm that cannot be derogated from. Consequently, occupying or seizing territory through force is illegal under the international system.

The forcible seizure of Palestinian territories by "Israel" does not grant sovereignty to the occupying power. "Israel's" illegal occupation violates the Palestinians' right to self-determination, a fundamental principle of international law. States must not recognize or maintain this illegal situation and must take action to end the occupation.

Iran has the inherent right to self-defense under international law, as enshrined in Article 51 of the UN Charter. In the face of repeated Israeli attacks and the UN Security Council's failure to act, Iran has been compelled to exercise its right. Iran's military response on October 1, 2024, demonstrates its commitment to international law and its determination to protect its sovereignty. Any attempt to impede Iran's right to self-defense would be a violation of international law and would have serious consequences.

Given the numerous war crimes committed by Israeli soldiers, the international community should exert pressure on the Israeli regime to end the war. This can be achieved by cutting off military and financial aid to "Israel" and demanding a ceasefire.

To determine the right to self-determination of the original inhabitants of this land, a referendum should be conducted under international law.

Countries supporting the regime should be aware that future generations will judge their actions in light of these documented events. They should choose the right side of history by defending the people of Gaza and Lebanon.

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