Wednesday, September 04, 2024

No School Year in Northern “Israel”

By Al Ahed Staff

No School Year in Northern “Israel”

Mayors of the so-called Confrontation Line settlements in northern “Israel” met with the so-called Minister of Education Yoav Kisch and the “Home” Front Command chief Rafi Milo on Monday.

According to Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, the meeting in the “Mateh Asher" Regional Council in the Western Galilee was held as “Israel” struggles to prepare for a new school year in the north.

During the gathering, the chairman of the Confrontation Line Forum and the “Mateh Asher” Regional Council, Moshe Davidovich, played a recording of an air raid siren, which “terrified” everyone in the room.

Davidovich explained to the Minister of “Education” that he wanted to show what life is like in the Galilee settlements, which were not evacuated, and how sudden sirens affect people’s daily routines. He said safe rooms and solutions that guarantee “security” for the lives of students are needed.

For their part, the mayors of the Confrontation Line settlements in the north said solutions offered by the Education Ministry are insufficient, both in terms of security in the new schools and along the roads exposed to gunfire. They also cited shortages of teachers.

Davidovich, who sat next to Kisch, attacked the latter for the “shameful behavior of this government.”

“You will be remembered in the history books as [the ones] who abandoned our children. A minister who attended the cabinet meeting yesterday told me that the ministers begged to continue the operation in Lebanon, and the Prime Minister stopped it. You abandon us and toss us to the dogs,” Davidovich added.

“I won’t allow the school year to open in schools, kindergartens and educational facilities that are not protected, in a place where the ‘IDF’ doesn’t know how to protect young people.”

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