Saturday, November 26, 2022

Main Confrontation with Global Hegemony, not a Bunch of Rioters: Iran’s Supreme Leader

Alwaght- Iran's battle is not with a group of rioters who have recently wreaked havoc in the country, adding "the main confrontation is with the global hegemony,” said Iran's Supreme Leader Sayed Ali Khamenei. 

These few rioters are either oblivious, ignorant, or mercenaries,” Press TV quoted the Leader as saying in a meeting with a group of members of Basij volunteer force in the capital Tehran on Saturday. 

The leader was referring to the riots the country witnessed over the past two months with apparant support from the West, led by the US, and some regional countries. 

The Leader said that the Western hands were obvious behind the riots that were aimed to destabilize the country. 

He described as “saddening” the calls by “some people who claim to be politically knowledgeable” for negotiations with the US, adding: “Negotiation will not solve our problems with America. Only one thing would solve our problem with America and that is paying ransom to America, but not just one ransom, they are demanding permanent ransom.” 

The Leader further said that Iran at times negotiated with the US but not only the Americans did not lift the sanctions, but also made new demands and added to the sanctions. 

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