Sunday, November 27, 2022

Analyst: UN Council’s Resolution Against Iran a ‘Mockery’

TEHRAN -- A political analyst has slammed the recent United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) resolution against Iran as a “mockery” that aims to impose the U.S.’ will on Iran.
Journalist and political analyst Elijah Magnier made the comments in an interview with Press TV following a UNHRC meeting convened at the request of Germany and Iceland to discuss alleged human rights violations in Iran during the handling of recent foreign-backed riots in the country.
During the Thursday session, the council members adopted an anti-Iranian resolution, calling for the establishment of an international fact-finding mission to probe Iran’s response to the protests. Iran strongly condemned the resolution as politically-motivated.
Magnier described the UNHRC resolution as “a mockery and a theater” as the Israeli regime, killing the Palestinians, violating human rights by arresting children, and condemning Palestinians to jail without taking them to trial is among the countries adopting the resolution.
The U.S. is behind it, he said, and the West is just following it, and the aim is “to impose their will on Iran,” which is not going to happen.
He further criticized the Europeans for having no will and following the U.S., condemning Iran for violations of human rights and closing their eyes on what is happening in Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain.
The U.S. is planning on gathering a “coalition against Iran” to bring Iran back to the negotiation table in Vienna without offering a guarantee, Magnier said, pointing to the stalled talks to remove anti-Tehran sanctions following the U.S. 2018 unilateral withdrawal from the 2015 Iran deal.
“They want Iran weak and they want to impose their conditions on Iran,” he said.
Magnier also slammed western media for ignoring what has happened in Yemen, Lybia, Iraq, and Syria by manipulating information.
Western media “manipulate the information so the best way is to strengthen your media to counter this information and to expose their lies one needs to really have an aggressive stand against the mainstream media because we have to acknowledge that it is really powerful and very strong and is capable of brainwashing the population,” he warned.
Hafsa Kara-Mustapha, journalist and political commentator, also blasted the “UN neo-colonialist attitude” for imposing its will on sovereign nations.
“Let’s remember then when the French had their yellow vest movement in which countless protesters were seriously injured, no international commission such as this was sent out to investigate France,” Mustapha told Press TV.
She went on to compare protests in the UK with the riots in Iran saying that as soon as a protest, not a riot, erupts the protesters are routinely arrested and punished by long sentences in order to ensure that others won’t join.
“Yet this violation is basically never condemned by international organizations,” she added.
She called on non-Western countries to condemn this latest “UN gimmick” saying that Iran is completely right in rejecting outright this resolution.
The West’s mainstream media lies about whatever happens in Iran, exaggerates, and only takes some sources which are obviously biased against the Iranian government, she said.
“So once the Western media decides to demonize you, there is nothing you can do,” she added, stressing that “whatever comes out of Western media is something to be taken with a pinch of salt.”
The lies about Iran, she said, are just propaganda operations designed to weaken Iran at all costs, and those who are collaborating from Iran in aiding these propaganda operations, are doing it to bring down their own country.
All those who claim to support human rights and encourage the riots, have an eye on Iran and its resources, she said, adding the West loves destabilization, war, and blood.
“That’s all there is to know and anyone falling for this charade of human rights would do well to read history,” she noted.
Mustapha lauded Iran’s resilience despite all propaganda operations against the country.
“The sanctions have been actually very detrimental to Iranians and Iran’s economy. And yet, Iran is still going strong. It has still developed numerous industries and has shown the world that actually could stand up.
“I think Iran is facing a serious crisis at the moment and it is facing some danger but overall I think it will come out of it stronger, as it has many times in the past,” she said.

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