Thursday, June 17, 2021

High turnout of people will ruin US-Zionist conspiracies

 Talal Atrisi

Tehran (Qodsna) - On the eve of Iran’s presidential elections which will be held on Friday, in an exclusive interviews with Qods News Agency, the Director-General of the Beirut Center for Strategic Studies Talal Atrisi talked about the regional impacts of the elections.

Talal Atrisi said that “Iran’s elections demonstrate the growing stability of the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

“Over the past 40 years, Iran’s political leaders have cared to the will of their people and democracy by holding numerous elections,” he added.

He went on to say that the presidential elections would show to Iran’s enemies that “Tehran has a unique position in regional developments and issues.”

The political expert also referred to US-Zionist conspiracies against Iran, noting that “Higher turnout in the elections would neutralize those plots, which have been planned against political and religious structure in Iran. In addition, the elections process shows that there is a mutual trust between people and the government in Iran, and it is the ordinary people who determine their future.”

“Iran has become a powerful country and no side can underestimate its capabilities and influence,” Atrisi highlighted.

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