Monday, October 12, 2020

What US expects from MEK’s walking corpse

Tehran, IRNA – In the recent months, there have been some reports in social media and news outlets with regards to MEK’s leader Massoud Rajavi, which once again drew attention to the unknown fate of the terrorist.

Rajavi disappeared in 2003. Ever since, the news about his death has been published by news outlets, but it was never confirmed.

The MEK, aka MKO, was founded in September 1965 to counter the US-backed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi but made a complete about-face on their causes after the Islamic Revolution in 1979. They changed into a puppet terrorist group controlled by the anti-Revolution World Arrogance.

After their three forefathers and leading core members were executed six years before the Revolution by SAVAK, the Shah’s intelligence service, Rajavi who was in prison became the leader of the group. When freed after the Revolution in 1979, he became the leader of the MEK.

In 2003, Iraq was invaded by the US and Saddam was toppled. In the air raids, Camp Ashraf was mistakenly bombarded by the US and it was reported that Rajavi and 20 other terrorists had been killed. The news was denied soon afterwards.

Then, some news outlets said that he was severely injured and hurt on the face. He has never showed up in public since then. Just a couple of voice tracks were published to show he was still alive. The last track was broadcast on November 2, 2014.

In 2012, Camp Asharaf was evacuated and the MEK terrorists were taken to US Camp Liberty. Disguised as a woman, Rajavi was taken to Camp Liberty as well. They were eventually taken to Manez, western Albania.

There was no talk of Rajavi until four years ago when then-chief of Saudi intelligence Turki bin Faisal Al Saud, named the MEK standard-bearer as “Late” Rajavi in Paris. This made the media assume that he had died. The news was again not confirmed.

In its last year’s congregation, the terrorist group put on a billboard with pictures of some deceased Iranian figures. They had included Rajavi there as well.

The picture implied that Rajavi is dead. But still, some believe that he is still alive and leads the group from his unknown whereabouts.

The important point here is the new game MEK terrorists have started with the help of the CIA and Mossad. They publish the false news of Rajavi’s death, which is clearly part of a scenario.

In all likelihood, Rajavi is still breathing somewhere – most probably in the US camp in Albania – and leading what is left of the group.

It has been said that Rajavi’s appearance has changed: he has lost a lot of hair; his face is wrinkled; and now he wears glasses.

Another sign that heightens the probability of his being alive is that fact those that were always alongside him in Iraq are all in Albania.

The most important question is what is this cat-and-mouse game about his life and death for?

From all appearances, the US has preserved the terrorist for a rainy day, when they will bring him out in a mysterious way to strengthen the ideology of the group or even the masses.

The US has been repeatedly defeated by Iran in the past several years: their super-advanced drone was shot down in Iran; they were awfully defeated in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. The defeats have made the US extremists consider using the MEK as a tool against Iran – although they are well aware of the fact that the terrorists of MEK are old and feeble and have been quickly shrinking in the past few years.  

Since May 2018, when US President Donald Trump withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action that was an international UNSC-endorsed agreement, the MEK has encouraged Washington to attack Iran and has made them sure that if they do so, the MEK will be on the US side.

Of course, the last nail of the MEK’s coffin in Iran was hammered when they sided with Saddam in the Iran-Iraq war in 1980s.

So, what do the US extremists want with this walking corpse?

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