Sunday, October 11, 2020

Turkey Sends Leaders of the Syrian Factions to Azerbaijan


Saif Abu Bakr e0011

Turkish intelligence sent two leaders of the Syrian Turkish-backed armed factions to Azerbaijan in order to control their members and punish everyone who does not comply with the orders.

According to sources, Turkey is trying to obliterate the reality of the Syrian militias' presence in Azerbaijan by banning circulation news on them, cutting off contact with their families, and preventing them from publishing their photos on social media, and this matter what made it send the leaders to Azerbaijan to adjust these practices.

The sources pointed out that the two leaders who arrived in Azerbaijan are "Saif Abu Bakr" of  Al-Hamzat Division, and "Fahim Issa" of the Sultan Murad Division. Their mission is to control their members, prevent them from fleeing, and convince those who wish to return to Syria to stay until the contracts concluded with them are terminated.

In addition, there are Turkish restrictions about checking the members' phones and preventing them from communicating with agencies or filming, which has become a red line for Turkey, providing that the armed men are allowed to have phones only for communicating with their families every two or three days for a short time.

However, the number of Syrian militants sent by Turkey to fight in Azerbaijan since the beginning of the conflict there amounted to about 1500 members sent in two batches, noting that a third batch is currently being equipped in the Turkish camps exceeding 1200 members.‌‌


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