Sunday, October 11, 2020

Terrorist US’ Suicidal Bid in Iraq

By: Kayhan Int’l
The US seems to be headed for real trouble in Iraq that augurs well for the Iraqi people who are determined not to give up their campaign until the last American terrorist is driven out from their sacred soil.
For months the cowardly Yankees have used the remnants of their terrorist proxies in Iraq to stage rocket attacks on various civilian targets such as the Baghdad airport and the vast diplomatic green zone enclave in order to lay the blame on the heroic Hashd ash-Sha’bi (Popular Mobilization Units – PMU), which has time and again made it clear that the only enemies of the Iraqi nation are the US forces that ought to leave, and no one else.
Now, after spreading the fake news that the US might close down its embassy in Baghdad and recall home all its diplomatic personnel from its various missions in Iraq, Washington has threatened to attack the PMU by boasting that it has selected some 80 sites of this people’s organization.
The overwhelming majority of Iraqi citizens, except for the few American agents, have welcomed the idea of the US forces leaving in peace without the need to force them out, although no one believes the terrorist regime of Donald Trump will voluntarily retreat from Iraq, unless some CENTCOM terrorists begin to return home in body bags.
As for the terrorist threat to attack any of the supposedly selected sites of the PMU, it would be a suicidal step for the US. Other than being an open declaration of war against the Iraqi nation that will indeed mobilize with full vigour to liberate the country, the first and foremost casualty in case of violation of Iraq’s sovereignty will be the American embassy – reduced to rubble in retaliation.
The real representatives of the Iraqi people are the various anti-terrorist groups that make up the PMU, rather than any stopgap cabinet in Baghdad whose only duty is to arrange nationwide elections at the earliest to form a broad-based government and to implement the long-standing parliamentary resolution for exit of all American forces from the soil of Iraq.
It should be recalled that Iraqi lawmakers had unanimously approved a bill on January 5 demanding withdrawal of all American troops following the US terrorist assassination at Baghdad International Airport on January 3 of two of the most senior anti-terrorist icons of the brotherly countries of Iran and Iraq – General Qassem Soleimani, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis (deputy head of PMU).
The blood of the martyrs is too sacred to go unpunished, as the Iraqi people have vowed, and recently renewed their promise of vengeance during the massive 15-million strong rally of pilgrims that converged on the holy shrine of Prophet Muhammad’s (SAWA) Grandson, Imam Husain (AS), on last Thursday – the day of Arba’een (the traditional 40th day of the anniversary of the immortal epic of Ashura) – with life size portraits of Qassem Soleimani, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.
Thus, if there is any commonsense left in the current republican regime in the White House, it will respect the will of the Iraqi people and immediately withdraw all its military personal from Iraq, instead of dragging its feet or risking an armed confrontation in which it will be the ultimate loser.
So, don’t toy with any quixotic idea of drone-missile attack on hornet nests, since the sting of the PMU will indeed puncture the overinflated criminal pride of the CENTCOM terrorists.

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