Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Significant increase in arms shipments by the Zionist regime to the Republic of Azerbaijan

 Significant increase in arms shipments by the Zionist regime to the Republic of Azerbaijan

Surveillance radars have recorded the flight of Azeri Silk Way Airlines transport planes, also used by the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense, en route from Baku to Ramon Military Airport near the Israeli army base in the Uvda region. The flights, which began before the recent military offensive in Karabakh, appear to be continuing.

NOURNEWS - As the bloody war between the Republics of Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region continues, the Zionist regime's media have reported an increase in the number of Israeli warplanes flying to the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Haaretz newspaper wrote on Tuesday, October 6, coinciding with the tenth day of the resumption of the war in the South Caucasus, that in the last two weeks, cargo flights carrying Israeli weapons to Azerbaijan have increased significantly.
According to the newspaper, during the corona virus epidemic, the Israeli airport is "whistling and blind" and there are almost no commercial flights, but the cargo airline on the Tel Aviv-Baku route is "flourishing".
Haaretz writes that amid artillery fire in the Caucasus, the increase in Israeli-Azerbaijani flights is "a direct result of the resumption of hostilities" in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.
Surveillance radars have recorded the flight of Azeri Silk Way Airlines transport planes, also used by the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense, en route from Baku to Ramon Military Airport near the Israeli army base in the Uvda region. The flights, which began before the recent military offensive in Nagorno-Karabakh, appear to be continuing.
On the other hand, Armenian President Armen Sargsyan had a telephone conversation with Israeli President Revon Rivlin on Monday, October 5, about the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh and the situation in his country.
According to the Israeli news site Ynet, the Israeli president told the Armenian president that the relations between Israel and Azerbaijan "have lasted for many years and their cooperation is not against a third country."
The Israeli president's response is apparently seen as a rejection of Armenia's request for a ceasefire.
However, Armenian Ambassador to the Occupied Territories Armen Simbatian, who is currently returning to Yerevan, expressed "hope" that Tel Aviv would suspend sending weapons to Baku, at least for the time being.

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