Saturday, October 10, 2020

Electoral votes definitely challenge to US democracy

TEHRAN, (MNA) – Stating that the electoral votes are definitely a challenge to US democracy, Prof. Frank von Hippel said that the states that are controlled by Republicans are trying to suppress voting in areas expected to vote for Biden.

2020 US Presidential Election has challenged Donald Trump and Joe Biden, two Republican and Democratic candidates in the field of foreign policy issues, including the US policy towards the West Asia (Middle East), the ways to fight against coronavirus, the immigration issues, and etc.

Due to its socio-economic consequences, coronavirus has become one of the most influential factors in determining the outcome of the US election. Donald Trump, who has repeatedly downplayed the coronavirus threat, tested positive for coronavirus. Now this question raises what positive or negative consequences Trump's positive test for coronavirus have on his campaign, and whether it changes the minds of those who have not yet decided to vote which candidate.

On the other hand, the policies of these two candidates towards the West Asia is another challenge for the United States. Trump's approach to West Asia issues is defined by his strong support for Israel regime, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and his aggressive approach to Iran. Biden was deeply involved in changing US diplomacy and military policy in the West Asia during Obama. He will act based on his experiences in dealing with issues in Iraq, Israel regime, Syria, Iran and other West Asian countries.

To know more about the US Presidential Election, we reached out to Professor Frank von Hippel, an American theoretical physicist, and a Professor of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University.

Following is the text of our interview with him:

Will the result of the US 2020 Presidential Election affect the country's approach and policy in the Middle East particularly towards the JCPOA and Iran?

If Biden wins, I expect him to bring the US back into the JCPOA if Iran returns to compliance. US policy toward the Middle East will still be pulled in many directions, however.

Some believe the electoral votes are a challenge to US democracy. What do you think of this?

Trump fears that he will lose a fair vote and is already claiming massive fraud. States that are controlled by Republicans are trying to suppress voting in areas expected to vote for Biden and make difficult voting by mail which is expected to be used by a much higher fraction of Democrats than Republicans. This is definitely a challenge to US democracy.

Will Trump's positive test for coronavirus and generally his approach in facing the pandemic affect his fate in the upcoming election?

Trump’s mishandling of the epidemic is definitely a political problem for him. His recklessness in opposing the use of face masks including in the White House has been criticized after many in the White House have come down with the virus, including him.
Why has the US been facing lots of challenges and tensions with its allies and international bodies during Trump's first term in office? How will the result of the election affect this issue?

Trump’s approach to others focuses on coercion and win-lose contests rather than on cooperation and win-win agreements. That has been very damaging to US international leadership.

Professor Frank von Hippel was the Assistant Director for National Security in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. He now serves on the National Advisory Board of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, the research arm of Council for a Livable World.

Interview by Zahra Mirzafarjouyan

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