Monday, August 31, 2020

Parliament committee calls for extradition of MKO terrorists

TEHRAN - In letters addressed to Iran’s Foreign Ministry and Judiciary, Zohreh Elahian, the chairwoman of the Parliament’s Human Rights Committee, has called for extradition of members of Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) from European countries.
“As you know, in the Islamic Republic of Iran more than 17,000 of our beloved compatriots have fallen victims to terrorist acts and gross and systematic violations by terrorist groups, in particular Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (known as hypocrites in Iran) and the ISIS, of the basic human rights including the right to life, security, and health,” Elahian said in her Monday letter addressed to Judiciary Chief Seyed Ebrahim Raisi.
She called on the judiciary chief to issue an order paving the way for identifying, suing, extraditing, prosecuting, and confiscating the assets of the MKO terrorists. She also called for gathering accurate information about MKO terrorists’ activities at the UN.  
Elahian sent a similar letter to Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, calling on the Foreign Ministry to make preparations for prosecuting MKO terrorists.
“Unfortunately, today the majority of these terrorists continue to hatch plans against the Iranian people by fleeing the blade of justice and seeking refuge in European countries,” Elahian wrote to Zarif.
According to the letter, the chairwoman made four requests of Zarif with regard to MKO terrorists. First of all, she requested that the Foreign Ministry issue an immediate warning to the European countries that harbor MKO terrorists.
Second, she called for a meeting between the victims’ families and ambassadors of countries supporting the MKO.
Third, the ministry should gather accurate information on how the European countries support the MKO.
And finally, the ministry should gather information on MKO’s activities at the UN, especially in Geneva.
Elahian also sent another letter to Head of the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI) Maria Arena, calling for a trial of MKO terrorists who are living in Europe.
“We expect that the European Parliament pursue the issue and the European governments act based on goodwill and the principle of commitment to the international undertakings, support the victims of terror and their family members, provide the victims with access to justice and put the terrorists who live in these countries on trial to end the process of no punishment for the terrorists and take an effective step in the fight against terrorism,” Elahian wrote, according to the  Fars news agency.
According to the Fars report, the MKO is listed as a terrorist organization by much of the international community. Its members fled Iran in 1986 for Iraq, where they received support from Iraq’s then-dictator Saddam Hussein. In 2012, the US State Department removed the MKO from its list of designated terrorist organizations under intense lobbying by groups associated to Saudi Arabia and other regimes adversarial to Iran. A few years ago, MKO members were relocated from their Camp Ashraf in Iraq’s Diyala Province to Camp Hurriyet (Camp Liberty), a former US military base in Baghdad, and were later sent to Albania. Those members, who have managed to escape, have revealed MKO's scandalous means of access to money, almost exclusively coming from Saudi Arabia.

Resistance festival to review pro-Zionist cinema

Photo: A poster for “Samiri Cinema” at the Resistance International Film Festival.
TEHRAN – The 16th Resistance International Film Festival plans to review a lineup of films produced under the influence of the Zionists around the world in a special section named “Samiri Cinema”.
“Raising society’s awareness of the world films produced under the influence of the Zionists and screened around the world is high on the agenda at the Resistance festival,” the director of the section, Shafi Aqamohammadian, said in a press release on Monday.
“There is a difference between a Zionist filmmaker and a Samiri filmmaker,” he noted and added, “It may be that a filmmaker does not belong to a Zionist community, but nevertheless acts based on their goals and ideology, therefore, he/she is a Samiri filmmaker. This kind of cinema may promote concepts such as modern idolatry, womanizing, racism and even terrorism.”
“A filmmaker may be religious or liberal, but may make his/her film under the influence of Zionism,” he stated.
Samiri is a phrase used by the Quran to refer to a rebellious follower of Prophet Moses (AS), who created the golden calf and attempted to lead the Hebrews into idolatry.
Aqamohammadian said that the study of the enemies is one of the main goals of the Resistance festival, and added, “Resistance cinema audiences should have substantial knowledge of the enemies, and know how they instill the Zionist beliefs into them.”  
The festival is organized every year to commemorate the anniversary of the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war, which is known as the “Sacred Defense” in Iran.
The 16th edition of the event is scheduled to go online due to a spike in the virus cases in the country.
The festival is scheduled to be organized in two stages, the first of which will take place during the Sacred Defense Week from September 21 to 28.
The second part of the festival will be held from November 21 to 27 to celebrate the anniversary of Basij Day, which falls on November 25.

Iran expresses concern over attack on Ashura mourners in Kashmir

TEHRAN - Saeed Khatibzadeh, the spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, voiced concerns on Monday over Indian security forces’ attack on a Muharram procession in the Indian-administered Kashmir.
“While Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has paid tribute to Aba Abdullah [Imam Hussein (AS)] and mourning ceremonies for Imam Hussein have been held quietly across India, reports of Ashura mourners being injured in Kashmir are very worrying,” Khatibzadeh told the Iranian Labour News Agency (ILNA) on Monday.
The spokesman also called on the Indian government to investigate the Ashura attack and to provide medical assistance to the injured immediately.
On Saturday, Indian security forces, armed with pump-action shotguns, fired shotgun pellets and tear gas on the Muharram procession in parts of the main city of Srinagar, Kashmir. Local authorities took measures ahead of Ashura to prevent Kashmiri Shiite Muslims from holding mourning ceremonies on the occasion of Ashura, the 10th day of the lunar month of Muharram in the Islamic calendar. Ashura marks the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS), a grandson of the Prophet Mohammad who was martyred in the Battle of Karbala on October 10, 680 (Muharram 10, 61 AH).
Indian police crackdown on the Ashura procession left more than 40 people injured. Images and Videos circulating on social media showed many young people suffering severe injuries to their faces and backs. Many of them had pellets stuck in their eyes and other parts of their bodies.
Indian authorities said the Muharram procession violated coronavirus-related restrictions imposed by the local government, a claim strongly rejected by the mourners and witnesses.
“The procession was not just peaceful but was also following health protocols,” said Sajjad Hussain, a witness. “They [government forces] unleashed such violence and did not spare even women mourners.”
Muharram is among the holiest months among Muslims around the world. During the first 10 days of the month, Millions of mainly Shiite Muslims hold mourning processions to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS). The mourners usually beat their chests while reciting elegies that glorify the heartbreaking martyrdom of the Prophet’s grandson.


Iran prioritizes expanding strategic ties with neighbors: Rouhani

TEHRAN – President Hassan Rouhani said on Monday that Iran prioritizes expansion of strategic ties with neighboring countries, especially in economic area.
“Historic and cultural affinities among the regional people are strong basis for expansion and promotion of cooperation with the neighboring countries which will benefit the regional people and governments,” Rouhani said during session on “expansion of cooperation with neighbors”.
He added, “Increasing and strengthening economic cooperation with the neighboring countries can play an important role in overcoming the problems.”
The president also said that the Iranian government and people have always been beside the people in the neighboring countries and welcome expansion of relations.
“We all should make efforts to develop the whole region. A coordinated and joint economy in the region will help peace and security,” he said.
Rouhani said in July that Iran is seeking to broaden its relations with its neighbors as well as other friendly countries.
“We hope to boost our cooperation with the neighbors including Iraq, Turkey, Qatar, Pakistan and Afghanistan as well as all other friendly states such as China and Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea littoral states,” Rouhani said during a cabinet session.

Iran adamant in pursuing assassination of Gen. Soleimani: Judiciary chief

TEHRAN - Judiciary Chief Hojjatoleslam Ebrahim Raeisi said on Monday that Iran’s Judiciary and Foreign Ministry are adamant in legally pursuing the assassination of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani.
“Blood of martyr Soleimani has affected elements behind his terror, and the regional people’s awareness will lead to the United States’ exit from the region,” the chief judge said during a meeting of the Judiciary’s supreme council.
On January 3, U.S. President Donald Trump ordered airstrikes that martyred General Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), in Baghdad’s international airport.
Soleimani was recognized internationally as a legendary commander in the war against terrorist groups, especially Daesh (ISIS). Only Daesh celebrated Soleimani’s assassination.
Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for International and Legal Affairs Mohsen Baharvand said in June that Iran will pursue assassination of Soleimani in international bodies.
“Diplomatic complaints have been filed through sending letters to the [UN] Security Council and UN Secretary-General [Antonio Guterres]. We are pursuing the case and completing our investigation in the Foreign Ministry. After that, international actions will be taken,” Baharvand told the IRIB in an interview.
Judiciary spokesman Gholamhossein Esmaeili said during a press conference in January that Iran will file lawsuits against Trump and the U.S. government for the assassination of Soleimani.
“We intend to file lawsuits in the Islamic Republic, Iraq and The Hague Court (International Court of Justice) against the military and government of America and against Trump,” he said.

Russia says ‘nuclear deal participants have a lot to talk about’

TEHRAN – Preparatory meetings are underway in Vienna regarding the session of the Joint Commission on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), says Russia’s permanent representative to the Vienna-based international organizations.
“Preparatory meetings are under way today in Vienna in connection with the session of the Joint Commission on #JCPOA at the level of Political Directors to be held on 1 September,” Mikhail Ulyanov tweeted on Monday.
Ulyanov added, “Nuclear deal participants have a lot of topics to discuss.”
Earlier, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi arrived in Vienna to attend the JCPOA Joint Commission meeting which is scheduled to be held on Tuesday.
Araghchi is set to meet with some of the heads of the delegations attending the meeting.
The meeting will be chaired by Secretary-General of the European Union External Action Service Helga Schmid and Araghchi.
Last July, after receiving a letter from Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif over the non-adherence of European countries to the agreement, Schmid said the next meeting of the Joint Commission will be held as soon as the conditions for travel are available.
The meeting comes as the U.S. has illegally called for the reinstatement of the UN Security Council sanctions against Iran.
In mid-August, Washington officially informed the UN Security Council that it is demanding the restoration of all UN sanctions on Iran, claiming that the U.S. has the legal right to “snap back” UN sanctions even though U.S. President Donald Trump pulled out of the nuclear deal endorsed by Security Council Resolution 2231.
However, other parties to the nuclear deal, including Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany, have voiced strong opposition to Washington’s push for sanctions on Iran.
In a tweet on Friday, Zarif lambasted the U.S. administration for its insistence on triggering a highly controversial mechanism stipulated in Resolution 2231.
“After thrice being rejected by SC, U.S. now threatens ‘sanctioning anyone & any entity that comes between US’ & ‘its snapback.’ Obviously, they don't understand law or UN. Maybe they can grasp this: You divorced the JCPOA in 2018. Your name on the marriage certificate is irrelevant,” tweeted Zarif.
U.S. President Donald Trump walked away from the nuclear deal in May 2018 and introduced the harshest ever sanctions in history on Iran as part of his administration’s “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran.

U.S. philosopher talks of Hussein's uprising, today's Yazid

TEHRAN– Prof. Taliaferro believes that today the successors of the reign of Yazid are the people and institutions that seek to preserve the status quo of white privilege in America and Europe.
The day of Ashura is the 10th day of Muharram in the Lunar Hijri calendar. This day is significant for Shia due to what occurred in Karbala on this day in the year 61 AH (October 10, 680 CE). On that day, Imam Hussein (PBUH) and his true companions were martyred in the battle against the Kufa army led by 'Umar b. Sa'd.
Many freedom seekers have been inspired by Imam Hussein and his uprising over history.
On the occasion of Ashura, we reached out to Charles Taliaferro, a professor of philosophy at St. Olaf College in the U.S.
Every year, the freedom-lovers of the world keep the memory of Imam Hussein alive in the month of Muharram. Why is the uprising of Imam Hussein still dynamic despite the passage of many years?
His resistance to tyranny was absolute and to death. He and his family paid the ultimate price for standing up with integrity to overwhelming forces. No wonder that the great freedom fighters of the 20th century, Gandhi and Mandela were inspired by his martyrdom.
In his uprising, Imam Hussein sacrificed his position, wealth, and even his own family to fight against the oppressive ruler. What are the guidelines and messages of his uprising for the popular uprisings in the contemporary time?
His message is that we should never give up in the fight against systemic racism and tyranny.  When Mandela was in prison and was going to capitulate to the government, he was inspired by Imam Hussein to persevere and because of this inspiration, South Africa came to dismantle apartheid and repent its crimes against black Africans.
Imam Hussein fought against Yazid to institutionalize the message of freedom and resistance to oppression. In your opinion, who are the oppressors of today's world?
I believe that today the successors of the reign of Yazid are the people and institutions that seek to preserve the status quo of white privilege in America and Europe, marginalizing people of color, Muslims, and the poor and under-employed. In so many parts of the world, there is a harsh bifurcation of the wealthy and the working class. The need for more equity and justice is very great.
What can today's freedom-seekers movements, including the anti-racist movement in countries like the United States, learn from this uprising?
I think that the lesson of the last stand at Kabala is that those of us who are fighting racism should never give up. We can sometimes forget that some ideals are worth dying for. They are also worth living for. My fervent hope is that justice may be achieved in the United States and elsewhere non-violently. The malice and blindness to the racial injustice of the current President are not helpful.
Interview by Payman Yazdani

Manama Manipulates Covid 19 Pandemic as Part of its Alarming Prolonged History of Crackdown against Shiites

Manama Manipulates Covid 19 Pandemic 32a63
It's been roughly seven months since the first cases of the coronavirus were reported in Bahrain. Although various states have wisely dealt with the pandemic, thereby transcending all debates, Manama; however, has unethically leaned towards a radical political and sectarian policy to approach the issue with its majority Shiite population.
Since the very beginning, it accused Tehran of a "biological aggression" by covering up the spread of the coronavirus dubbing anyone diagnosed with coronavirus as Iranian traitors.
Besides, while many governments have come under pressure from human rights groups over prisons' conditions including overcrowding, poor sanitation, medical care negligence and lack of basic necessities, Manama has denied calls to free its opposition leaders and 4000+ prisoners of conscience, in particular aging detainees or those with medical conditions, including opposition leader Hassan Mushaima and rights activist Abdulhadi Al Khawaja housed in Bahrain’s notorious Jaw Prison.
Meanwhile, the grip has been tightened with the arrival of the Ashura season, which constitutes a part and parcel of Bahrain's cultural and historical identity.
Due to the pandemic, right from the beginning, Bahrain's Shiite scholars and the largest opposition bloc Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society have both stressed on the mourners' strict adherence to social distancing and guidelines designed to prevent the spread.
The authorities' security forces, who follow orders from high officials, have however waged a ferocious war against the Shiites' religious freedoms. They reportedly handed out summonses to people who displayed black banners to forcibly remove them and shut down the Al-Zahraa mosque.
Bahrain’s highest Shiite religious authority, exiled now, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim said the shut down of the mosque would "only stirs up sedition and disturbs the atmosphere of the Ashura season".
Unfortunately, state media campaigners have also manipulated the pandemic to incite hate speech and target the Ashura rituals, which are supposedly guaranteed by the Bahraini Constitution that stipulates "Freedom of conscience is absolute. The State shall guarantee the inviolability of places of worship and the freedom to perform religious rites and to hold religious processions and meetings in accordance with the customs observed in the country."
Manama who claims to be concerned about health condition is going to host the F1 Grand Prix between November 29 and December 6, and none of its mouthpieces have expressed any concern. Perhaps the pandemic is only transmitted by "Shiite"!
Further, rights campaigners have reported that 5 prisoners of conscience are subjected to prolonged isolation and deprivation of communication with their families after being accused of inciting other prisoners to go on hunger strike over the lack of religious freedoms and inadequate healthcare.
Manama has long jailed, deported, and interrogated Shiite, in what activists describe as the systematic targeting of the country’s Shiite majority. In recent years, numerous prisoners of conscience have complained of slander against their beliefs during investigation, torture and imprisonment.
Bahrain laboriously works on modifying the demographic by carrying out mass political naturalization of foreign mercenaries whilst the indigenous Shiite population is subjected to arbitrarily citizenship revocation and deportation.
There are no official statistics regarding the population, which makes political naturalization easier to implement and allows elections to be misrepresented.
Political naturalization has been described as a strategic project by Salah Al Bandar, a former adviser in Bahrain's Cabinet Affairs Ministry. The Al Bandar Report was leaked between July and August 2006 and exclusively mentions the plan to encircle Shiite scholars and institutions.
The report contains plans to exclude and marginalize Bahrain's Shiite in all executive branches, cleanse their existence from national institutions, and prevent them from educational opportunities and some benefits, through discriminative policies, adoption by some governmental bodies, the substitution of civil societies with Shiite administrations for government-operated bogus NGOs (GONGOs) and creation of internet forums fomenting sectarian tension.
Huge funds were set aside for this political scheme, which was orchestrated and financed by Bahrain's members of the National Assembly and senior officials.
On their podiums, Shiite scholars preach about peacefulness articulating their condemnation of sectarian strife in all its forms.
This has been evidenced in the 2011 uprising to this day, where they chanted "Brothers Sunni and Shiite; this nation will not be sold," despite the clear attempts to instigate turmoil and push the opposition to violence.
In 2011, tens of thousands of Bahrainis, from different ideologies and affiliations, kicked off to the street calling for freedom, justice, rights and an elected government with complete authoritative and constitutional powers.
During the imposition of emergency law (March-May 2011), commonly referred to as a period of national safety, Bahrain's security forces with the assistance of Gulf Cooperation Council's forces, brutally clampdown on the Shiite by demolishing more than 38 mosques.
The grave-site of Companion Saasaa bin Suhaan was also subject to repeated vandalism. Since then, permits are discriminately not given for building mosques and hussainiyat (congregational halls).
Top Shiite scholarly figures like Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim and Ayatollah Najati are currently stateless. Religious orators, lecturers, and chanters are targeted persistently, and attacks are carried out on mourners carrying out religious processions and commemorations.
Further, Congregation prayers are banned in the Central Imam Sadiq Mosque and many other mosques.
The rights of Shiite charitable groups have been confiscated and banned from assisting the orphans and the poor.
The most hazardous side is the systematic hate speech that is being orchestrated to slander Shiite ideology.
Official news agencies broadcast hate speech in a structured and continuous fashion including accusing Shiite of disloyalty and referred to in derogatory, slanderous, racist, and derogatory terms (loyalists to Iran, Safavis, Rafidah, Kafer, etc.). They purposely omit the existence of Shiite religious culture and events.
While thousands currently commemorate Ashura, State's media is void of any Ashura-related news, with no coverage of any of its activities representing the Shiite identity.
Obviously, the state's curriculum incorporates sectarian teachings that are hostile and in contravention of the beliefs of Shiite. This had pushed the Islamic Ulama Council and Al Tawaeya (two religious educational institutions) for teaching Shiite ideology, but the regime shut them down as well as ceased their funds.
Not only this, but Shiite are also marginalized in labor especially in the army, national security apparatus and the state's hospitals.
Since 2011, Shiite students have frequently been denied both national and international scholarships and other educational opportunities regardless of their qualifications. The authorities also have orchestrated mass dismissals against thousands of Shia employees from their jobs merely because they partook in the pro-democracy demonstrations.
Here are some statistics, Shiite only represent:
15% of the executive branch
12% of the judiciary
1% of the National Guard, King’s Court, and the army
12% of the ministerial and judicial senior positions 
10% of the major companies and organizations
Bahrain is a tiny island composed of 33 archipelagos situated near the western shores of the Persian Gulf, with a 765.3 km2 area.
Since the Al Khalifa family assumed power, Bahrain's Shiite majority, aka Baharna [colloquial term for Bahraini Shia (بحارنة)] have been enduring continuous and systematic sectarian persecution.
Many international reports have alluded to the persecution of the Shia by the ruling family. For instance, J.G Lorimer, an Officiating British Resident present in the Gulf during the early 1900s, says, "Even though the Baharna are superior in terms of numbers, they are not relevant in the political landscape. In reality, their situation is slightly better than the slaves."
The indigenous people of Bahrain stems from the Shiite tribes of Abdulqais, Tamim, and Rabia, and they steeped with amiable character, peacefulness, hospitality, and humbleness.


Resistance movement represents the nobility of Imam Hussein: Islamic scholar

By Mohammad Mazhari

TEHRAN – Muhammad al-Zoubi, a Lebanese Islamic scholar, is of the opinion that all Yazid’s crimes are embodied in the Zionist regime-U.S. axis, and “we find the Husseini nobility in the axis of the Islamic Republic and the resistance movement.”
Like his father imam Ali,  Imam Hussein enjoys an important and distinguished position in the collective Islamic mind. Since he is a "Sahabi," a companion of the Prophet, there is no conflict between Sunni scholars regarding the character of Hussein bin Ali, the grandson of the Prophet. Many Sunni scholars have been inspired by Imam Hussein and his uprising in the course of history.
 Hussein was martyred along with some members of his family in the Battle of Karbala in 61AH by the army of the second Umayyad caliph Yazid in a bloody war, which was described as the darkest chapter of Islamic history.
Despite the catastrophic impact of the event on the history of Islam, many Wahhabi thinkers have scrambled to find justifications and excuses for Yazid in an attempt to exonerate and distance him from this incident while other Sunni scholars consider him degraded and have vilified and execrated him.
In this regard, al-Zoubi tells the Tehran Times that "Yazid represents aggression, injustice, immorality, selfishness, violation of religious values and morality for the sake of self-interest."
He likens the Zionist regime’s massacres to Yazid's approach and behavior in history.
Following is the full text of the interview: 
Q: What message does Imam Hussein's movement carry to current generations? Why is it said that “every day is Ashura and every land is Karbala”?
A: The history of nations cannot be separated from their present. History in its path is composed of the accumulations and experiences that shape a society's character. It was indeed subjected to changes that modified its path, but these changes turned into main elements of the nation's collective consciousness.
 Therefore, in his movement Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, did not limit his perspective to fight the tyranny of the Umayyad dynasty, but he was concerned about the reality of the Ummah and retrogression of Muslims.
Justice is the main goal of all prophets, as God said: "We have sent Our Messengers with proofs and sent them with the Book and the Scales so that people might establish the justice." 
The Umayyads’ crime was not only distorting the message of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) but also diverting the path of the Abrahamic religions and the calls of the prophets.
The Umayyads wanted to replace the rule of justice with a tyrannical king's rule and the necessity of obedience.
 They invented false statements attributed to the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family), ordering obedience to the rulers and kings, regardless of injustice and depraved life they had, banning disobedience. 
Therefore, the message of Imam Hussein was to prevent the distortion of Islam, telling Ummah: Islam is not the religion of the Sultan (ruler), but its mission is to bring justice for the world after establishing it among the Ummah.
The Muslim historian Al-Tabari, in his book, refers to a message from Imam Hussein, (peace be upon him) to the people of Kufa in which he said: "I swear by my life, the Imam is who follows the holy book (Quran), who rises for the justice and who applies the educations of religion and devote his life for God ."
 The Sultan (ruler) has no legitimacy unless by following God's book, religion, justice, preserving the true religion from falsification, shun selfishness or self-interest for God's sake.
Karbala was not just a spot of land on which a group of the oppressed people were killed. Karbala was the voice of truth in history and representation of the divine-human nature that sees living with the oppressors as humiliation.
 Karbala was not only a historical event but was an epic that included all the values, concepts, and truths of religion: faith, love, truth, justice, asceticism, generosity, sacrifice, patience.
So all the lands are Karbala, and every day is Ashura.
It is our duty to read and compare Karbala with our life, with our place, with our era. The U.S. today is following the lies of the Umayyad when it describes the Islamic Republic, which extends its hand to weak and oppressed people, as a rogue state.
When Amr bin Al-Hajjaj, one of Yazid's (the second caliph of the Umayyad caliphate) army commanders, addressed Kufa's people describing Imam Hussein like a rebel, saying: "people of Kufa! Obey the ruler, and do not hesitate to kill the apostates." 
Thus, America today encourages oppression, injustice, and aggression under the slogan of following the international community.
It accuses those who work to defend the rights of the Lebanese, Palestinians, and Yemenis as rogue groups, of being abnormal, although the international community today is beginning to take a departure from the American dictates.
“When we wish to be with Imam Hussein, to reach great salvation, it should be instilled in us that we search for our own Karbala in our lives in order to be against Yazid of our era. Every era has its Yazid, and every period has its Hussein.”
Yazid represents aggression, injustice, immorality, selfishness, violation of religious values, and morality for the sake of self-interest.
But Hussein represents justice, truth, sacrifice, morality, values, and supporting oppressed people.
If we read our reality today, we find out that all Yazid’s crimes are embodied in the Zionist-American axis, and we find the Husseini nobility in the axis of the Islamic Republic and the resistance.
Although we did not attain the honor of fighting beside Hussein (peace be upon him), this honor presents itself to us today when we do not hesitate to confront the hegemony of the U.S. 
We do everything possible to resist American arrogance without fatigue, boredom, weakness, or being influenced by the mainstream media pressure.
We must support the Husseini revolution in our era by backing the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic resistance to establish justice and support the oppressed people.
Q: What is the status of Imam Hussein among the Sunnis and their books?
A: To answer this question, it will suffice to mention some hadiths of Prophet Muhammad with brief comments:
In Sunan al-Tirmidhi it is quoted from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) that says: "It was an angel never descended on the earth before that night. He asked God for permission to greet me and tell me that Fatima (daughter of Prophet Muhammad) is the master lady of the women of paradise and that Hassan and Hussein are the masters of paradise's youth.”
In the Sunan of Ibn Majah, Sunan al-Tirmidhi, the Musnad of Ahmad and Mu'jam al-Tabarani, and Mustadrak al-Hakim on the two Sahihs and authenticated by al-Dhahabi, it is quoted that Prophet Muhammad, (peace be upon him and his family) said: "Hussein is from me, and I am from Hussein. Allah loves anyone who loves Hasan and Hussein. They are two of my distinguished descendants."
In Sunan al-Tirmidhi and Mustadrak al-Hakim, it is quoted from Umm Salamah saying: I saw the Prophet Muhammad, in a dream with dust on his head and beard, so I asked him what happened to him? He said: "I witnessed the killing of Hussein earlier."
In Al-Mustadrak of Sahih Al-Hakim authenticated by Al-Dhahabi, it is quoted from Ibn Abbas, who said: God told Prophet Muhammad: "I killed seventy thousand in revenge for Yahya ibn Zakariyya (John Son of Zechariah), and I will kill double of this number in revenge for your daughter's son.”
 In the Musnad of Ahmad, Musnad al-Bazzar, and Mu'jam al-Tabarani it is said:  Naji al-Hadrami was walking with Imam Ali when he said that "be patient Abu Abdullah! Be patient Abu Abdullah on the coast of the Euphrates!" I asked him what that is.  He said that he had met the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), one day, and as if he was tearful and asked him if someone had made him angry? He answered that Angel Gabriel arose from him before a moment and told him that Hussein would be killed in the Shatt al-Furat (Euphrates).
Imam Ali asked Hadrami, "Do you like to smell it from its soil?" and he said yes. So, Imam Ali grabbed a fist of soil and gave it to him.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) cried for Hussein before his martyrdom because he could not witness Karbala's tragedy. The Lord of existence informed the prophet about Karbala and presented to him the soil of Karbala to smell it.
Q: How can the martyrdom of Imam Hussein unite Muslims, Sunnis and Shiites?
A: We must show the truth of Ashura and that it is the uprising of Islam against distortion.
With their four schools of thought, Sunni scholars unanimously agree on the debauchery of Yazid, his perversion, and his criminality, though the Wahhabis (the followers of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Abd al-Wahhab) refused to follow the consensus of Sunnis.
Therefore, the two wings of Islam (Sunnis and Shiites) must follow the Book of God that calls for justice and forbids wrongdoing, and the history and statements must be compared to the Book of God, and not to read history through the eyes of tyrants. As Sunnis and Shiites unite in the position of condemning injustice and immorality of Yazid, they must unite today in the face of arrogance by the Zionist regime and the U.S.
Muslims must stand by the resistance in Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, and Syria, and support every oppressed around the world, and deal with their differences in a scientific way in an atmosphere of Islamic brotherhood.
Q: How did the Islamic Ummah reach such a stage that a person like Yazid came to power and manipulated the tradition of Prophet Muhammad and killed Imam Hussein?
A: In fact, Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) described the reality of the Ummah in his letter to the nobles of Basra, as al-Tabari has reported in his book (History of Nations and Kings) The Imam says: "I invite you to the Book of God (Quran) and the tradition of the Prophet. The Sunnah (tradition of the prophet) is dead, while heresy has been revived, and if you hear my words and obey my advice I will guide you to the path of rectitude.”
In another speech quoted in al-Dhahabi's book History of Islam, Imam Hussein says: "The world has changed and repudiated Righteousness, don't you see the right is not fulfilled, and falsehood not prevented? So that the believer desires to meet with God. Because of that, I don't see the death but happiness and life with the wrongdoers an ignominy."
This is the reality of the Ummah in the era of the Umayyads. The Sunnah is dead, and people have quitted the Book of God and the tradition of his Prophet, while the truth is suspended and falsehood rules the society.
Al-Bukhari narrates in his book Sahih that al-Zahri (one of the prophet's companions) went to Anas Ibn Malik (another companion of the prophet) in Damascus while he was crying, and asked the reason of his sadness. Anas said: "Nothing remained from the prophet's tradition except this prayer, and this prayer has been lost."
This is an explicit confession by a companion of the prophet quoted in Sahih Al-Bukhari, which shows Islam has gone entirely.
To know how the Ummah reached this decline to the extent that a tyrant like Yazid rules the society, needs a deep and detailed study, and here I should suffice with key factors:
Since Imam Ali and the prophet's family (Ahl al-Bayt) have been eliminated in Ummah, the danger has begun to loom over Islam's horizon, while the prophet had warned about it before.
There are many hadiths (Prophet's words) in the books of Sunnis; for example, in Musnad al-Bazzar and Mu'jam al-Tabarani, Prophet Muhammad said: "You will be tested in my family (Ahl al-Bayt)."
In Sunan al-Nasa'i, it is quoted that when the prophet, returned from the farewell pilgrimage (the final Hajj in which the Prophet Muhammad participated) and reached Ghadeer Khumm, he ordered to stop. 
Then he said: It seems that God has invited me, and I accepted his call. I am leaving among you, two valuable things; one of them is greater than the other; the Book of Allah and my family (Ahl al-Bayt), and they will not separate.
Then he said: "God is my lord, and I am the master of every believer." Then he took Ali's hand and said: "For whoever, I am his master, now Ali is his master.
 May God be a supporter and friend of whoever supports Ali and hostile to whoever is hostile to Ali." 
So, the danger began to loom over Ummah when it excluded one of the two valuable things (Quran and Ahl al-Bayt).
Undoubtedly, the deviation increased during the era of Muawiyah, who distorted the path of Islam and entered predestination doctrine into Muslims' beliefs to tell people that the rulers of the Umayyads are a destiny from God. 
When his son Yazid inherited the rule, Muawiyah said that is the will of God. 
This is how the Umayyads spread throughout the Ummah that their evils and criminality are God's wills, which cannot be objected to.