Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Why US Is Giving More Money to Israel

Why US Is Giving More Money to Israel
TEHRAN (FNA)- Under an unwritten understanding, the US is providing billions of dollars to prop up Israel’s occupation regime in Palestine and the region.
This is by far the largest aid package in US military history. Strange enough, US senators are criticizing that the massive deal as “short-sighted” and insufficiently small, calling for massive increases, citing Israel’s security situation.
They have cited Israel’s recent attacks on Syria as proof that the occupying regime needs further US funding, with the underlying assumption that this is only going to grow and the US is going to have to bankroll it.
They have also suggested the US should do away with parts of the deal obliging the Israelis to spend US military aid on US-made equipment, and instead opening up the possibility of the US just sending the money to Israeli arms makers.
This is be design, as the main point of Israel aid is to ensure the occupation of Palestine and the US-led regime-change war on Syria continue apace, the opportunity that Israel wouldn’t be willing to miss in the first place, ensuring Syria never sees peace even after finishing off the terrorist groups – America’s own creation.
It is also assumed that the record Israel aid would just keep growing anyhow, and given it is only one of myriad sources of US aid to Israel, the growth is unsurprising for many reasons.
Israel benefits from the war and chaos in Syria. According to the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, Syria is defined as an "enemy state". America loves that, because Syria is Iran’s ally – which in turn is one of America’s top “enemy state”.
Israel does interfere in the Syrian conflict openly, aiding and abetting various terrorist groups and bombing Syrian army targets.
Despite criticisms and resolutions by the United Nations, Israel has no intention to give up the Golan Heights, not only because of its strategic location, but because the region provides a significant part of the fresh water. Tel Aviv is motivated to strengthen its position there as some oil and gas resources were discovered recently. The exploration was carried out not only with the Washington arrangement, but with the participation of Afek Oil, the US company.
It is evident that the Syria war is beneficial to Tel Aviv. As Damascus, being too busy fighting foreign-backed terrorists, is not willing to launch a new front against Israel. So with a Syria in chaos or engaged in war on terrorist groups, Israel can make more profit – with a helping hand from American oil giants money.
The United States has always been a strategic partner for Israel, and their foreign policies in the Middle East are always conducted jointly to further the American and Israeli interests. So there is no disagreement with the US when Israeli warplanes invade and attack Syrian targets. Washington has never made any statement condemning the bombing of Syria by Israel.
The US supports Israel in diplomatic and military matters not just because of the strength of pro-Israel lobbies like the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, but for practical reasons. The US's alliance with Israel owes to two key factors - intelligence sharing and ideological unity. Israel's intelligence and interference in Middle Eastern affairs benefits the US in all sorts of ways.
Besides having intelligence sharing partnership, the US and Israel see eye to eye on something fundamental to both of them – destabilization of the Middle East through war, terrorism, sectarian violence, and arms race.
Like the US, Israel has regular and open military campaigns in the region. Like the US, Israel targets and occupies Muslim lands and hence is not without its enemies. Furthermore, US military aid and weapons have been used by the Israelis against Palestinians in their territory.
Indeed, the United States sees strategic reasons to keep providing large sums of money for Israel’s military. Expect the Empire of Chaos to give even more money to Israel in the next few years, but the situation will change completely to the opposite in the mid run, when Israel becomes an intolerable burden for the United States to carry.

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