Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Neom: Saudi unholy city

Shortly after Mohammed Bin Salman became the Saudi Crown Prince in 2017, he announced his comprehensive economic plan.
Branded as vision 2030, it aimed at weaning the kingdom from oil revenues. The centerpiece of the plan was Neom, a futuristic city to be populated by rich tourists, technology start-ups and overseas investors. But things have not gone as planned. The mega project is now stained with human rights violations, to say the least. In just one example in mid-April, Saudi security forces stormed into a nearby village where the Huwaitat tribe has been there for centuries - after senior members of the tribe refused to move away. In a controversial move, the forces killed this man, Abdul-Rahim Al-Huwaiti, who had protested the eviction through videos he had published online.

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