Thursday, June 04, 2020

Imam Khomeini refuted Imperialism, Marxism, Iran's envoy says

Moscow, IRNA – Iran's Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali said on Wednesday that Imam Khomeini refuted Imperialism and Capitalism in the west and Marxism in the east by founding Islamic Republic of Iran.
In a webinar on the Late Imam Khomeini's Thoughts on International Affairs attended by thinkers from Iran, Argentina, Russia, Belarus, Armenia and Kazakhstan, Jalali said that before the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the world was divided into two blocks: Capitalism in the west that considered religion as an individual matter that cannot participate in the society and government and Marxism in the east that believed religion was opium for the public.
Iranian diplomat went on to elaborate that with the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Khomeini proved, firstly, that not only religion wasn't a tool for silencing the society, but also it can work as a motive for a revolution; and, secondly, by introducing a religious democracy, he showed that religion has a capacity for running the country.
Jalali also said that Imam Khomeini didn’t oppose latest human achievements as he accepted the 'separation of powers' as useful for governing.
The webinar was held to commemorate Imam Khomeini on the anniversary of his demise on June 3, 1989.

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