Monday, June 15, 2020

Burning Lands and Crops, Turkish “Starvation” War on Civilians of Northern Syria

Fires in Northern Syria acfb6
*(Top image: Huge fires devour wheat and barley crops in Northern Syria (Rojava) lands. Credit: Lawk Ghafuri/ Twitter)
Recently, the Turkish forces and their armed factions carried out frequent violations and attacks towards the people living within the areas adjacent to theirs in northern Syria, by targeting agricultural lands with explosive bullets and shells aiming at burning them and depriving the owners of their crops.
Under the difficult humanitarian conditions and in a declared war aimed at "starving" civilians, the Turkish forces and their factions have worked over the past two weeks to consecutively target with explosive bullets the agricultural lands in northern Syria almost daily, especially villages and towns controlled by the "Kurdish units" in "Al-Shahba" area east of Afrin, northern Aleppo countryside. This caused the burning of dozens of hectares of agricultural lands, including crops of wheat, barley, olives and seasonal fruits.
The last attack took place last Thursday, according to private sources from Aleppo's northern countryside. From their locations in the villages of Azaz and Afrin, the factions' militants targeted agricultural lands in the vicinity of "Al-Kaloutia" and "Al-Soghaniya" villages, and on the outskirts of "Tal Rifaat" town, setting fires in large areas of cultivated land whose owners intended to harvest.
Not only the crops of wheat and barley, but the attacks also extended to olive trees, which are widely spread in the same region. The sources indicated that with the support of the Turkish forces stationed southeast of Afrin, the faction's militants targeted the olive lands with dozens of missiles that burned and completely destroyed hundreds of olive trees, depriving their owners of them.
The violations of the Turkish-backed factions have not stopped at burning crops and agricultural lands, but also prevented the locals from putting out the fires that broke out in their lands. The sources confirmed that the militants have always targeted with explosive bullets and sniped the farmers who were trying to save their lands, and a civilian in Al-Soghaniya village lost his life while putting out the fire broke out in his land two days ago.


Erdogan’s Jihadists are burning the wheat and barley fields in Syria. Again.

Last month a US aircraft dropped thermal balloons over agricultural lands in Hasakah, setting fire to wheat crops.

The US and Turkey want to starve the Syrians amid the brutal US sanctions.

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The Turkish economic war is not limited to civilian lands in Aleppo northern countryside "Afrin" only, similar cases were recorded in various areas outside the control of Turkey and its factions in the countryside of Hasaka and Raqqa, where hundreds of hectares of agricultural lands, including various crops, were burned. This resulted in huge material damages and great losses to the owners of those lands and prevented them from harvesting their crops completely, which put them in a major humanitarian living crisis.


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