Monday, June 15, 2020

Banning Iranian media proves Iran’s influence on west

The Islamic Resistance Front has formed a media stronghold for the past ten years. Al-Kawthar TV Network has been able to have a great impact on international opinion; because the media exposed colonial policies that were trying to provide false reflects of reality and events to the audience. Al-Kawthar is also one of the media outlets that have had valuable experience in offering the teachings of the Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, so at this point we see that this network has also been banned from the Eutelsat network.”

Hassan Abedini, an expert on international affairs and a senior media expert, said that the Islamic Resistance Front has formed a media stronghold for the past ten years. "This media stronghold is dependent on resistance movements. Al-Kawthar Network has been able to have a great impact on international opinion; because the media exposed colonial policies that were trying to provide false reflects of reality and events to the audience. Al-Kawthar is also one of the media outlets that have had valuable experience in offering the teachings of the Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, so at this point we see that this network has also been banned from the Eutelsat network.”

He said: "We will not forget that the colonial western societies has repeatedly massacred the media affiliated with the resistance. When Press TV and al-Alam were cut off from the Eutelsat, Arab Sets and other satellite channels and did not allow some of our foreign networks to be made available to the audience through the cable network of European countries. Therefore, we consider the disconnection of al-Kawthar Network in the context of countering freedom of information and efforts for a unilateral flow of information by the great Western media empire against Islamic and revolutionary countries.”

Abedini said: "the only way for dealing with the continuous massacre of fair and independent media is that the Islamic Republic independently buys a communication satellite that can provide its networks to the public through this satellite or To launch a satellite with neighboring countries into space, and it will be impossible for the domination system to cut off these networks.”

Abedini considered the West's fear of foreign networks of the Islamic Republic of Iran to have originated from the mindset of the empire of the domination system in the second decade of the 21st century and said: "The domination system has come to the conclusion that Public opinion wants to hear the news in a new and fair way, the foreign media of the Islamic Republic are now trying to do their job. We are now witnessing that day by day the networks affiliated with the resistance system or the independent world networks are expanding their sphere of influence, so they see no choice but to cut off the Al-Kawthar network and other networks of the Islamic Republic. it is clear that the closure of Al-Kawthar Network is a confrontation with the spread of justice-seeking ideas in the eyes of the international public.

It is worth mentioning that Al-Kawthar Network is place for advertising Shia thoughts in various fields. And it broadcasts different kind of events in its news.

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