BY: Martin Love
The virulent Covid 19 pandemic, still expanding, and the apparent waning of U.S. economic might and especially blatant, exposed racism by police and politicians and others has begun to rip the cover off U.S. government propaganda. Americans are possibly learning fast that a new and more harmonious, a different world, may be possible eventually.
NOURNEWS/NORTH CAROLINA - Iran is not “perfect” by any means, because in fact no country is, nor is any particular person except that in some profound religious faiths their champions, for examples Husayn ibn ‘Ali in the case of Shi’a Islam and Jesus in Christianity, both of them martyred for challenging the status quo ills of their respective times, certainly had qualities of courage and character that set them apart as exemplary persons.
From the faraway perspective of an average American who at least has read some history, it remains astounding that Iran still appears to head the list of countries that the U.S. government, particularly under Donald Trump, has demonized and tried to harm by various means such as sanctions that so far have been short of outright military attack. I mean, what has Iran done to generate such enmity? This is a question that American citizens in particular must explore, because the non-acceptance of Iran as an independent society and a polity in various iterations over thousands of years (and worthy of respect) has never made sense.
Iran, as well as so many other countries under attack by the U.S. in recent decades, never constituted a real threat to Americans or their relative prosperity -- if such were honestly won. (But U.S. prosperity, crumbling for now, was never exactly honestly won because it has involved harm to others.)
Iran has not been on a military offensive anywhere for a couple centuries, it could be easily argued, unless one figures that defensive actions or postures (as warnings mostly) constitutes “offense”. Rockets falling on ‘Ain al-Assad air base in Iraq last winter, for example, was defensive in nature, a warning, and an effective one post the assassination of General Suleimani, who was a great and revered leader largely responsible for the strategic reduction of ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
The answers to the “why” the U.S. has long aimed to harm Iran may include the fact that the former Shah, a U.S. puppet, was deposed, and that some hostages were taken for a while in Tehran. Then there was President Carter’s embarrassing failure of a rescue attempt. But the U.S. has been trying to control Iran for many decades – the CIA’s Operation Ajax in league with the British is a glaring example. But the whys actually and primarily encompass Iran’s refusal to accede to U.S. and Western imperialism, the greatest sickness of our time. And this refusal is not unique: Cuba, Venezuela, Yemen, Syria and even Bolivia and many others have despised U.S. imperialism, and have suffered the “Empire’s” knee-jerk wrath as a result to one degree or another – just as did many countries last century, especially Vietnam.
But lately, the imperialism has, in particular, been most evident in or through U.S. support for the Zionists, who have become more emboldened and vicious than ever, if you set aside the Nakba in 1948.
It is no gross stretch of the imagination that every failure of the U.S. (wars this century especially and now, even unrest inside the U.S. as a result of U.S. militarism and imperialism) can be laid at the feet of support for Zionism as expressed by people like Natanyahu, a man who will die with absolutely no positive legacy but having made “Israel” reviled worldwide and made life difficult even for the many innocent Jews who are not Zionists, not to mention Palestinians and citizens of other Mideast countries. The erosion and end of the American centered “Empire” and perhaps even the U.S. itself as it has been may at bottom be blamed by historians half a century or more from now on the Zionists’ blackmail of and influence on American politicians and postures.
In any case both Trump and Netanyahu and their Jewish billionaire supporters like Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer, to name just two of several, want to provoke Iran to violence to create a pretext to attack Iran militarily. Meanwhile, there remains dishonest claims about Iran’s nuclear program, attempts to goad Iran with covert sabotage operations by Israel and other proxies, all partially based on political calculations that Americans will “rally around the flag” and give Trump and others who support him further election wins come November. (And what has Iran done? Simply and rightfully slammed Apartheid in Israel and Israeli theft of land and lives, and meanwhile Iran has long sheltered the second largest Jewish community in the Middle East.)
Of particular note of late was Ehud Olmert’s recent claim that had Syria signed some sort of peace deal with “Israel” back in 2008, Syria never would have been almost destroyed in the past decade. So, this is an admission of who at bottom pushed hardest for war on Syria. But even Olmert’s claim makes no sense. Would Israel EVER relinquished the stolen Golan short of Israel’s destruction? Not likely, and the terms of any “peace” deal with Syria would largely have involved Syria’s agreement to end all, even nominal support for the Palestinians. In other words, abject Syrian submission to the Zionists for a fake “peace”.
But there is and has lately been one huge miscalculation in Washington. “Rallying around the flag” given further kinetic U.S. belligerence is probably becoming a thing of the past in the U.S., or at least less and less likely. The country is burning with indignation over police brutality, which is part and parcel of U.S. brutality overseas. What the U.S. does overseas is reflected in racism and policing at home. They spawn each other, and more citizens are waking up to this.
The virulent Covid 19 pandemic, still expanding, and the apparent waning of U.S. economic might and especially blatant, exposed racism by police and politicians and others has begun to rip the cover off U.S. government propaganda. Americans are possibly learning fast that a new and more harmonious, a different world, may be possible eventually.
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