Sunday, September 22, 2019

Yemeni Resistance to Shaykh Hamza Yusuf: Ready or Not, Here We Come!

It seems like everyone and their mother (including myself) 

penned a response to influential American scholar Shaykh 
Hamza Yusuf's claim in a viral video that Muslim's in the 
Middle East are "not ready" to fight off their oppressors.

But the best rejoinder came from the barefooted Yemeni 

Resistance, which, less than a week later, shockingly set 
ablaze the world's biggest oil refinery Aramco in Saudi 
Arabia, running up oil prices 18% and pushing down 
major stock markets in one swift move.

The poorest Arab country, Yemen has produced a strong 

resistance movement despite suffering death, devastation, 
and starvation after a coalition led by Saudi Arabia, along 
with the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.),  started bombing 
and blockading the Yemenis four years ago for overthrowing 
repressive Saudi-backed regime.

The fearless Yemeni Resistance has also warned the U.A.E. 

of missile strikes on their port city of Dubai if they don't 
pack up and leave their country.

Guess who lives part-time in the U.A.E. working 

on a government-sponsored "peace forum"?

Shaykh Hamza Yusuf!

Now, tell me, who needs to get "ready"?

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