Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The US has no military options against Islamic Iran

Crescent International

Any military response by the US against Iran, after Yemen’s people’s government attacked the ARAMCO facility in the occupied Arabian Peninsula, will first and foremost hurt Washington and its regional puppets.
The announcement by the ignoramus in the White House that the US is "locked and loaded" is another pathetic statement with no real policy behind it. If Yemen, one of the poorest nations in the world and under siege, could single-handedly cause oil price to rise by 20% and disrupt close to 5% of the world’s oil supply, imagine what Iran can do?
Observers of the situation must understand that the current US regime has no thought-out policy most issues. On the same day, the white-supremacist Trump regime made threats against Islamic Iran, Kellyanne Conway, Trump's counsellor did not rule out Trump attempting to meet Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani at the UN. Of course, Hassan Rouhani is most probably not going to meet Trump even if he begs for it on his knees, but the inconsistency of the Trump administration is once again evident.
Let’s quickly look at some basic scenarios on what can potentially happen, if Islamic Iran gets attacked by the US. Tehran will respond to the US, as it has proven its determination with eliminating the US drone in its skies in June 2019. Also, Iran is highly likely to respond against the puppet regimes in the Persian Gulf, as their territory and assistance will be utilized when attacking Iran. Now, if Tehran had the courage to shoot down the US drone, who can doubt its determination in raining down rockets on Dubai and other ARAMCO facilities? Let that sink in for a moment. Dubai is the main financial and social hub of Western dominance over the Middle East. Millions of Western expats fueling the UAE’s economy will panic and immediately start leaving the UAE and scaling down their investment in the entire region. This will shake the illegitimate regimes in the UAE and the Najdi Bedouins occupying Makkah and Medina.
Islamic Iran fully understands that a larger military confrontation is not in the interests of the US and its very shaky allies. Thus, its response will be disproportionate if its territory gets attacked.
The Saudi regime and the UAE can’t successfully fight Yemen, no one, except their princes who bought their “university degrees” believes that the Gulf regimes are a viable opponent to Iran.
The successful Yemeni retaliation against the years long Saudi aggression put the Saudis and its Western backers in an almost check-mate situation. The only option the US has is to attack some targets in Yemen and claim that they hit “Iranian targets” there. All other military options are going to trigger a harsh response.
Yemeni attack against the ARAMCO facilities in occupied Arabian Peninsula has permanently damaged the Saudi regime economically and politically. According to the latest Bloomberg report, quoting numerous financial heavyweights, the Saudi dream of floating the ARAMCO IPO soon and at a high value is severely damaged. On a political level, the Saudis have been humiliated and exposed as incompetent NATO vassals unable to successfully fight one of the poorest nations in the world.
While it is uncertain what exactly the Western response will be, it must be kept in mind that the only certainty about the Trump regime is its uncertainty. However, it must be noted that in the US, the president alone is not in-charge, the deep-state in Washington fully realizes that if an ignoramus like Donald Trump overreacts in the current tense situation, he may lead the US down a humiliating path which will accelerate its already occurring decline. Thus, the deep state in the US will act as a counter balance to Trump’s ignorance and an escalation might be avoided.

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