Friday, September 28, 2018

Effective mechanisms necessary for creating global peace, collective security

Muslim scholar

Effective mechanisms necessary for creating global peace, collective security
TEHRAN, Sep. 23 (MNA) – Ilgar Ibrahimoglu, Chief Editor of Baku-based ‘Deyerler’ news portal, stressed the need for effective mechanisms for creation of peace and collective security in the world.  
Muslim scholar Ilgar Ibrahimoglu, who is the chairman of DEVAMM (the Centre for the Protection of Freedom of Conscience and Religion), as well as the Chief Editor of Baku-based ‘Deyerler’ news portal, said in an interview with the Islamic World Peace Forum (IWPF) that global peace and security would come into effect when “effective international mechanisms to restrain aggression appear.” He went on to criticize the UN for its failure to influence the course of events in a constructive way due to being run by the US and its allies.
“The most world powers keep either a neutral position of observer, or sail in the wake of American foreign policy,” he added.
“The mechanism of organized resistance is strengthening in the Middle East,” he stressed, which necessiates integration of efforts to “develop mechanisms for mass security.”
Following is the full text of the interview:
Given the slogan of the UN General Assembly this year in line with the International Day of Peace (September 21, 2018), which is “The Right to Peace - on the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, what practical measures do you propose to materialize this slogan?
Similar to many other conceptual solutions of UN, this postulate will come to an effect, when effective international mechanisms to restrain aggression appear.
There is no doubt that US and its allies run the show in UN and many other important international institutions. UN, declaring attractive slogans, just in words, is deprived of real opportunity to influence the course of events and manage world processes in a constructive way.
The most world powers keep either a neutral position of observer, or sail in the wake of American foreign policy.
Unfortunately, many countries with Muslim populations, especially the Persian Gulf countries, not only support US policy, but also are very active sponsors of international terrorism. Indeed, because of their direct intervention and as a result of their financial support, the inextinguishable fire of the war flared up in the Middle East, hundreds of thousands of people were killed, and millions became refugees.
Sailing in the wake of Zionist policy, these states with outwardly Muslim positioning actually are satellites of Israeli regime and active gendarmes of Middle East nations that wish justice and dignity.
Indeed, there are many people in the West who know the actual state of affairs. But the voice of fair and impartial people of the West is drowning in a stream of disinformation, poured on the public from Mass Media that under the control of oligarchic capital.
But, along with this, it is necessary to note that the world around us is changing slowly but definitely. It is no longer possible to deceive millions of people blatantly and unceremoniously, to create a distorted reality, to change concepts with impunity.
Let’s consider at least the situation with the "White Helmets" in Syria. Despite powerful disinformation, the United States and its allies failed to press the positioning of this terrorist structure as a public organization. And such examples are too many.
The mechanism of organized resistance is strengthening in the Middle East, more and more countries are shaking off the shackles of colonial rule and choosing a difficult but dignified life.
Thus, it is necessary to continue integration efforts, to conduct educational and enlightening work, to develop mechanisms for mass security, etc.
Given the recent developments in the world and in the region (ISIL, Saudi’s attacks in Yemen, war crimes of Zionists in region, Syria and insecurity and instability in the Middle East) what are the international requirements for creating a world full of peace and security?
The problem of global security is the main issue of the modern world. But, unfortunately, the most who speak about it are the representatives of the circles, which are precisely the source of international tension and even chaos. Here there is a substitution of concepts. According to their point of view, mass security is the lack of any resistance against their hegemonic aspirations.
Thus, humanity will only reach a global security system, when it can create effective and working mechanisms that are capable to ensure justice in international relations, to punish aggression, and to hold out against terror. And in this case, the policy of transparency and clearness in covering these issues becomes very vital. Including, via creation of international schemes of views exchange, like your forum.
I am absolutely convinced that mass security in the world will come with the appearance of the Hidden Imam (a.f). Humanity craves justice and a dignified life. During many-many years several leaders appeared, too many slogans were put forward, which corresponded to these efforts. And the more Muslims seek justice in international and interstate relations, the more terms will be created for the sacred Appearance.
In the light of the objectives and measures of Islamic World Peace Forum in the field of establishing just peace in the world, what measures do you propose for promoting just peace discourse in the world?
Here, it is very important to create horizontal links between representatives of nations, states, and societies. The more strong ties and constant contacts in this field, the more opportunities to achieve mutual understanding and sincerity in matters of international peace and security. These ties are designed to unite all people of goodwill, and create terms to hold out against disinformation, chaos, terror.
Do you think that international organizations and international human rights defender and responsible for establishing peace in the world have not yet been able to act in their true responsibility for peace in the world?
Certainly, international organizations and international human rights defenders, who responsible for establishing peace in the world, are still far from accomplished mission. There are both: objective and subjective reasons.
It is important to know the essence of the Imperialist-Zionist policy of aggression and suppression of dissent, the mechanisms of substituting concepts and ideas, support of terrorist groups and creation of conditions to control chaos. International structures are far from being totally aware of these matters. And the more it is explained by convincing and irrefutable arguments, the more people of goodwill cooperate in the creation of mass security systems, the faster and more effective will be the work of international human rights organizations and structures, who are responsible for establishing peace in the world.
Haji Ilgar Ibrahimoglu is the imam of “Juma” mosque in Icheri-sheher, the chairman of DEVAMM Center for Protection of Conscience and Persuasion Freedom, President of the International Religious Liberty Association and a scholar at the Islamic World Peace Forum

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