Sunday, September 23, 2018

Cowardly Terrorism Fails to Dent Values of Holy Defence

By:Kayhan Int’l 

Yesterday September 22, the 38th anniversary of start of the Holy Defence of the newly-founded Islamic Republic by Iranian Muslims in the face of the 8-year war which the US had imposed through Saddam of Baghdad’s repressive Ba’th minority regime of Baghdad, saw terrorism once again raise its ugly head against the indomitable nation of Iran when in the southwestern city of Ahvaz the annual military parade was sprayed with gunfire resulting in the martyrdom of around 30 men, women, and children and injury to 60 others. 
The dastardly act that occurred only two days after the grand nationwide commemoration of the anniversary of the tragedy of Ashura, the martyrdom of Imam Husain (AS), was yet another proof that the enemies of Islamic Iran are Godless elements devoid of any humanitarian tendencies.
It was a reminder to Iran, to Iranians and to the free world that Saddam may be dead, the Ba’thists obliterated and the Takfiri terrorists defanged in Iraq and Syria, but the puppeteers in Washington, Riyadh and Tel Aviv, still thirsting for innocent blood.
In other words, neither the US which had supplied lethal arms to Saddam such as internationally-banned chemical weapons for use against Iranian combatants, nor Saudi Arabia which had provided 80 billion dollars to the Ba’thist regime for the 8-year war as well as the genocide of Iraq’s Shi’a Arab majority and the ethnic Kurds, have yet to realize the futility of their plots following their decisive defeats in Syria and Iraq.
These two devilish destabilizers of West Asia and most of the Muslim World, along with the illegal Zionist entity, are clearly in a state of panic. In view of their failure in the downed aircraft incident in Syria to trap Russia in an open war – if not World War 3 – they plan to provoke Iran into a hasty military confrontation, oblivious of the fact that Tehran has many cards to play and will definitely avenge the innocent blood of the martyrs of Ahvaz.
The terrorists and their cowardly backers, wherever they might be – in the US, in Europe, and in reactionary Arab states – should not think that they can get away with their crimes against humanity.
In the meantime, let us focus on the values of the Holy Defence and what made the Iranian people to enact epics of resistance at the warfronts to defeat an armed-to-the-teeth regime, supported by the then Capitalist West and the Socialist East.
Weapons and brilliant military strategy did play their roles, but what inspired Iran’s Muslim combatants to achieve victory after memorable victory against the enemy, without the least doubt, were spiritual values.
We still remember vividly the regular recitation of the famous Kumayl Supplication and the Ziyarat (salutation) of the Martyr of Karbala, Imam Husain (AS), in the bunkers on the frontlines, interspersed with cries of God’s Majesty (Allaho Akbar) by Iranian forces that demoralized the Ba’thist enemy.
The cannibalistic takfiri terrorists, despite their bloodcurdling crimes against helpless human beings, crumbled before these very same spiritual values inspired by Iran in Syria and Iraq, and over a decade earlier the supposedly mighty Israelis were humbled in Lebanon by the spiritual strength of the legendry anti-terrorist movement, Hezbollah. 
These were, and still are, the super weapons – more powerful than nuclear bombs – in the arsenal of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which at the same time continues to test, develop and mass produce sophisticated conventional arms that are on par, if not superior, to the state-of-the-art military technology of the enemies.
Today also the spirit of brotherhood prevails amongst the people of Iran, irrespective of their ethnicity, social background, and political views. All Iranians, including religious minorities, acknowledge the timeless transcendental charisma of Imam Husain (AS) and feel indebted to his firm stand against injustice, as key to the success of the Islamic Republic of Iran in all fields.
It is this Husaini spirit and solidarity that binds together the people of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Arabia, Bahrain, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, and the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as Nigeria, Tanzania and elsewhere.
To sum up, whatever cowardly act the Great Satan and its devilish minions think they are capable of carrying out, the Islamic Republic and the Iranian people, with trust in God Almighty and on the basis of the values of the Holy Defence, are confident of defeating, no matter the magnitude of sacrifices required, as taught by Imam Husain (AS).

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