Saturday, May 19, 2018

Netanyahu's plot to destroy Palestinian identities

David Lawley

US transferred its embassy to al-Quds because the Zionist lobby in the US is enormous, Walkelin said, adding that there are lots of banks and money they are bringing to the United States; Jewish lobby in America is very powerful indeed and they are always doing business inside the country; nobody cares about morals or family values, people’s lives, love and peace and these things; they only care about how much money are in their pockets and how much pleasure they can have with that money.

David Lawley Walkelin visited Iran in mid-May to atted the 6th International Conference of Independent Thinkers and Artists (New Horizon), where he sat with Mehr News correspondent Lachin Rezaian to discuss JCPOA and US embassy move.

Regarding the trust in European countries to continue the implementation of JCPOA, he said “yes, Iran can trust in EU.”

He said the issue now is the re-imposition of sanctions; US did not actually destroyed the deal, however, it just left the door a little bit open; Trump said he wouldn’t certify the deal, which means that somebody can take it back to the Congress in 60 days. And also due to the pressure that Europe will give to Trump, maybe the US might change the decision.

Netanyahu wants European countries to withdraw from Iran deal like the US, too. In his eyes the deal is not good, because after some years, Iran can start its nuclear program again and they don’t want that because they believe, which is rubbish, Iran would use nuclear weapons against them.

It is necessary for Iran to have the nuclear program, so JCPOA is a good idea to stay in it.
Expressing that President Rouhani made a good decision on protecting the deal, he said “nuclear deal is a good deal; the involved parties have worked a lot on it and it has many advantages; for Iran it is a good deal because Iran can still develop its ballistic missiles and other weapons.”

Walkelin underlined that “it is necessary for Iran to have the nuclear program, so JCPOA is a good idea to stay in it, especially that it is the only deal we have; having a deal is better than no deal.”

On the possibility of implementation and survival of JCPOA without US, he said “it is a question for the future, you cannot tell it right now. We have to wait what is going to happen to the deal in the Congress and if they would vote for the sanctions.”

He stressed that Netanyahu is trying to push Iran to take the first move; he wants Iran to try to hit Israel so that he can hit it back ten times bigger. He keeps trying that.

Touching upon the relocation of US embassy to Jerusalem al-Quds, he called Trump’s move again a dangerous one. “It is up to the Palestinians and President Rouhani and other nations who are supporting Palestine to step in proving that al-Quds has been in the entire history a holy city, it doesn’t belong to Jews. You don’t make a holy city the capital of one religion, so the decision was nonsense and the most provocative move Trump could have done which has been faced with the protests in the rest of the world. “

He said Mr. Rouhani must pay visit to other countries who do not support Trump on the issue and honestly and openly talk about what else they can do to deconstruct the idea.
Regarding the motivation behind the move, he said the relocation of embassy was an idea totally based on Zionist desire to clear and destroy all of the Palestinians and have the whole land for themselves; that is exactly how Netanyahu sees it. He is pragmatic, he wants to leave the legacy of destroying all Palestinian lands for the Zionism. “They are not interested in anything less that the entire place belonging to Israel,” he added.

US transferred its embassy to al-Quds because the Zionist lobby in the US is enormous; there are lots of banks and the amount of money they are bringing to the United States; Jewish lobby in America is very powerful indeed and they are always doing business inside the country; nobody cares about morals or family values, people’s lives, love and peace and these things; they only care about how much money are in their pockets and how much pleasure they can have with that money.

David Lawley Wakelin is a documentary film maker. His work includes "The Alternative Iraq Enquiry", a documentary alleging that Tony Blair is a war criminal. In May 2012, he interrupted the Leveson inquiry during Tony Blair's statement, alleging that Blair had been paid off by the American bank JP Morgan Chase for agreeing to take the United Kingdom into the Iraq war. Blair denied the charge. Lawley Wakelin was later fined £100 plus costs. Speaking on the steps outside the court afterwards, Mr Lawley-Wakelin revealed he had received messages of support from the Nobel Laureate Mairead Maguire and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

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