Sunday, September 08, 2024

Three Israeli security guards shot dead by Jordanian truck driver at Allenby border crossing

Before his truck was searched at the crossing, a Jordanian driver opened fire at the security guards from close range

News Desk - The Cradle 

Magen David Adom medics and paramedics at the scene of the shooting attack that killed three people at the Allenby Bridge crossing between Israel and Jordan on Sept. 8, 2024. (Photo credit: MDA)
Three Israeli security guards were shot and killed at the Allenby Bridge (Al-Karameh) border crossing between Jordan and the occupied West Bank, Maariv reported on 8 September.

The man who carried out the shooting, reportedly a truck driver from Jordan, arrived at the terminal and opened fire at the security guards from close range, shooting them in the head, before he was himself shot and killed by border security guards.

The Magen David Adom ambulance service arrived at the scene and treated the three guards, all around 50 years old, before declaring their deaths.

Israel Hayom reported that a preliminary investigation into the circumstances of the attack indicates that a truck driver who arrived from the Jordanian side had concealed a Kalashnikov rifle in his vehicle.

He drew the weapon and opened fire on Israeli workers after reaching the shared unloading area, but before a security check was conducted.

Following the attack, the crossing was temporarily shut down, preventing the movement of travelers from both directions.

David Elhayanithe Chairman of the Jordan Valley Council, called for the application of Israeli sovereignty over the entire Jordan Valley area, the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation reported.

Israeli forces proceeded to assault Jordanian workers and truck drivers by beating and strip-searching them at the crossing.

Israeli violence in the occupied West Bank has escalated recently. This week, the Israeli military completed a vicious 10-day campaign, which killed 36 Palestinians and destroyed roads and infrastructure in Jenin, Tulkarem, and Tubas.

Israeli attacks on West Bank towns and refugee camps are expected to resume and continue with intensity for some time. Security officials told Israel Hayom this week that the Israeli army has internally classified the occupied West Bank as “the second most critical front, immediately after Gaza.”

Raids in the northern West Bank are “set to continue in the foreseeable future,” the security officials said. 

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