Saturday, September 07, 2024

China's ambiguous support for Iran's revenge against Israel


TEHRAN - In a note, Donya-e-Eqtesad dealt with China's positions regarding Iran's awaiting revenge against Israel and wrote: Shortly after Iran promised vengeance against Israel following the assassination of (Hamas leader) Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that China will support Iran in defense of its sovereignty, security, and national honor.

But China has neither the desire nor the ability to provide facilities for its comprehensive strategic partner. Iranian officials have said the Gaza ceasefire talks with the leadership of the U.S. may prevent them from retaliating, but the ceasefire talks have so far remained inconclusive and Iran's retaliation may be imminent. While China emphasizes its public support for Iran's right to "defend its sovereignty," these words do not reflect China's deep concern about the possibility of a wider regional conflict. According to Professor Niu Shinchun, director of the Institute of Middle East Studies at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, if the Middle East enters full-scale chaos, China, as the largest trading partner in the region and the main buyer of Middle East oil, will be the biggest victim.

Ettelaat:  A delusive Zangezur Corridor should not be created

In a commentary, Ettelaat discussed Russia's recent support for establishing the so-called Zangezur corridor between Azerbaijan proper and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic because such a corridor, going through Armenia’s most southern province, severs Iranian access to Armenia and then Europe. The newspaper said: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said Moscow favors a quick conclusion of a peace treaty between Baku and Yerevan and removing the obstacle to connection between Nakhchivan and the mainland. Due to the closure of Zangezur by Armenia, the journey in the region has become very difficult. This position of the Russian foreign minister led to different interpretations by the media and speculation about Moscow's desire to open the Zangezur Corridor. Opening the Zangezur Corridor means closing one of Iran's gates to Europe. Most likely, if they want to open this corridor, the Westerners will resist. It will then cause a new center of contention next to the very sensitive borders in northwest Iran. If any country thinks that it can solve its problems outside its borders by creating a new contentious issue, no place in the world will be safe and there will be permanent chaos in the world.

Iran: The failed scenario of the Israelis in the psychological war against Iran

In an analysis, the Iran newspaper discussed the failed scenario of the Israelis in the psychological war against Iran. It wrote: The successful implementation of the recent operations of Hezbollah in Lebanon and the neutralization of the Zionist regime's spy system caused the media to make efforts to distort the reality and put false narratives on their agenda. Publishing fake interviews of Mojtaba Amani, the Iranian ambassador in Beirut, was one of the Zionists’ efforts to reduce the size of this disgraceful defeat. This was the latest Zionists’ effort to divert the world's attention from the intelligence failure of the regime, which, of course, failed in this case as well.

Siasat-e-Rooz: The bravery of Iranians has defeated the enemy

Siasat-e-Rooz dedicated its editorial to the bravery of Iranians. The paper said: Today, the enemy has launched a new war called the war of perceptions with the new weapon of the media and virtual space. A war that, on the one hand, seeks to humiliate, devalue, and create an atmosphere of hopelessness and despair among Iranians, and on the other introduces the old colonialists as the saviors of today's humanity to make the Iranians accept a solution for their problems. The enemy wants to make the spiritual capitals of the Iranian nation worthless, impose their worthlessness on them as a value, and pretend that the solution to the problems is not to confront colonialism but to give in to its domination. However, the great nation of Iran, following the example of the great men of the history of its land, will make this tactic of the enemy a failure.

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