Monday, July 01, 2024

Threats issued by the Zionist regime against Iran

ALWAGHT- A well-known Zionist historian called on Tel Aviv to use unconventional (nuclear) weapons, if necessary, to strike Iran and destroy its nuclear facilities.

According to Arabi 21, Zionist historian Benny Morris wrote in an article for the Hebrew newspaper Haaretz: "Given the asymmetric balance of power between Iran and Israel, there is no better time than now for a strategic strike on Iran."

He continued by asserting: "Eliminating Iran's nuclear program is a vital necessity for Israel because Tehran is on the brink of commencing 90 percent uranium enrichment and has accumulated enough material to produce a bomb."

Morris also criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for Iran's extensive missile and drone responses to occupied Palestine, noting that Netanyahu fears a stronger retaliation and counterattack from Iran and its regional allies.

However, Iran is considered as a regional power and will not be intimidated by the Zionist regime. Any threat or action made by the Israeli regime will be met with full force, as stated by Iranian officials.

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