Saturday, November 26, 2022

Imam Khamenei: The Islamic Revolution Is Alive Despite the Enemies’ Will

By Al-Ahed News

Imam Khamenei: The Islamic Revolution Is Alive Despite the Enemies’ Will

Leader of the Islamic Revolution His Eminence Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei underlined that in every era, the presence of the Basij [mobilization] forces emphasized that the Islamic Revolution is still reviving, pointing to that in Iran there are millions of officially-registered Basji members, in addition to the other unregistered millions, who are all active in the Iranian society.

Imam Khamenei made the remarks on Saturday morning as he received massive numbers of Basij members at the Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah in Tehran marking the Basij Week. Additionally, five million Basij members from all over Iran took part in this meeting through videoconference participation.

His Eminence noted that the mobilization is one of the blessed innovations of our prominent Imam Khomeini, explaining that in such days, and nine years after the formation of the mobilization forces, the late Imam gave his sublime speech praising the Basij, in which he said “it is the center of passion and the unknown martyrs, and a fruitful tree.”

“It is my honor and pride that I belong to those Basij members,” Imam Khamenei said.

The Basij is not just a fighting institution, it is more sublime and has to do with the cultural, rhetorical, and ideological mobilization… this culture is the pure service of the nation and its people, Sayyed Ali Khamenei went on to say.

Highlighting the importance of the Basij culture, Imam Khamenei explained that it is to dig in mud to support the flood-hit households, and to be at the forefront in fighting the pandemic and to possibly die to save the lives of the patients; the Basij culture is not to be tired while supporting the believers, and without expecting praise for doing so.

“The Basij forces are daring, don’t fear the enemy, and don’t give it a chance to move on. They also have the potential and capabilities to keep up with every step of the Revolution,” Imam Khamenei also noted.

“In every era, the presence of the Basij forces emphasized that the Revolution is still reviving; the Revolution is alive despite the will of the enemies who can’t withstand this word.”

Imam Khamenei highlighted that during the latest attacks across Iran, the Basij members put themselves in danger to prevent people from facing oppression, adding that those forces have a prominent position within the Muslim world.

With respect to the conspiracy against Iran, Imam Khamenei pointed to the great importance of the Islamic Republic for its huge resources and its geographical position between the East and the West. This is why the colonial front has been working against it, His Eminence explained, adding that the Zionist entity has been implanted as a camp for Europe and the US, and they made it dominant in the Middle East.

“When the Islamic Revolution in Iran emerged victorious, it twisted all of the West’s the balances and calculations… it is a phenomenon that dealt the arrogant powers a major blow and left them shocked and lost. The West worked to overthrow the revolutionary government in Iran and to eliminate it, and this is why they imposed the 8-year war, but Saddam Hussein failed in this war and they understood that they cannot confront Iran,” His Eminence also noted.

Meanwhile, the West tended to target the countries that have ties with Iran, in which it admitted to operating in six countries that are Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia; however, Iran’s role in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon contributed to foiling the US scheme to target the Islamic Republic through those countries.

“Martyr Qassem Soleimani played the most prominent role in Iran’s victory against the US scheme in the region,” Imam Khamenei mentioned, making sure to underscore the Basij forces’ role in confronting the terrorist group Daesh, which was formed by the enemies and attacked the holy shrines.

On the nuclear talks, Imam Khamenei said the enemy wants the nuclear deal to prevent Iran from producing weapons and drones to defend itself. Additionally, a group of the unwary individuals at home repeat the words of the enemies, which aim at weakening Iran.

As His Eminence highlighted the importance of confronting every rioter at home, he warned that the scale of the battle is much wider, advising the Basij members not to forget that our main and true confrontation is against the global arrogance.

Imam Khamenei felt sorry for some of what can be read in newspapers and on social media platforms, which consider that we must solve the problem with the US to stop the riot. When we committed to our obligations according to the nuclear deal, the US didn’t, His Eminence said, adding that our problem with the US could not be solved through negotiations, and Washington doesn’t accept but obtaining one privilege after the other.

Who is the Iranian citizen who is keen on his nation but is ready to compromise to the US on Iran’s power? Imam Khamenei asked. “The enemies’ media outlets publish lies and fake news whose content is misleading.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, Imam Khamenei praised the members of Iran’s national team who have pleased the country by clinching their first victory on Friday during a World Cup match.

“The enemies attempt to infiltrate through our forces,” Imam Khamenei told the Basji members, advising them to beware in this regard.

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