Sunday, January 03, 2021

Vanguard of Imam Mahdi’s (AS) Soldiers

By: Kayhan Int’l

As we go to the press, reports from Iraq speak of a massive gathering underway at Baghdad International Airport on the eve of January 3 to commemorate the martyrdom in the early hours this day last year of two of the heroes of the epic victories of the Iraqi Muslim people over the Godless takfiri terrorists.

The two need no introduction. Their life size portraits adorn streets, squares, and buildings of not just the towns and cities of Iraq, but also of Syria, Gaza, and Lebanon, as well as parts of Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Indian controlled Kashmir.
In the Islamic Republic of Iran, official ceremonies are underway throughout the country over the past few days for the "Martyr of al-Qods” Lieutenant-General Qassem Soleimani and his colleague in the regional campaign against US-Zionist-Saudi supported terrorism, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis – victims of the dastardly drone attack ordered by that cowardly criminal, US president, Donald Trump.
Iranian diplomatic missions and cultural houses all over the world are holding special ceremonies for the said martyrs, while the oppressed people of Bahrain, the UAE, and the eastern region of British-created Saudi Arabia, in view of the suffocative atmosphere of their homelands, have organized gatherings in their homes or hussainiyahs, to hail the heroics of Soleimani, whose name sends shivers down the spines of the US, Israel and treasonous Arab regimes – all awaiting the promised vengeance against plotters and perpetrators of the unpardonable crime.
What is the reason for the immense popularity of Soleimani and his colleagues among the people of the region?
The answer is obvious. If not for the selfless efforts of this brilliant military strategist who operated on several fronts over a wide area overlapping national borders, the caliphate of terror would have been formed over much of West Asia and North Africa, overlapping into southeastern Europe through Turkey, with Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon, transformed into Takfiristan under US tutelage.
As a matter of fact, the Zionists would have proudly called this caliphate of the macabrely murderous Godless terrorists as "Greater Israel” to complete their domination of the Muslim world.
It was this dream that no diplomacy could have defeated, and thus it was left to the genius of General Soleimani to shatter it through military means on the battle-fields of Iraq and Syria, where his words continue to echo "Within three months there will be no caliphate of the terrorists on the face of the Earth”.
At the invitation of independent governments he mobilized the people of Syria and Iraq – as well as that of other countries – into popular militias to vanquish Daesh and its affiliates so thoroughly that today no takfiri terrorist is able to raise its ugly head.
This was the reason Trump the terrorist and his criminal clique in the White House went mad with anger, and with the help of the Zionists, cooperation of certain West European regimes, and the collaboration of traitors in our midst, cowardly carried out his killing.
Soleimani’s famous phrase continues to ring in our ears when he told the scoundrel Trump "I am enough to take care of you”.
The dastard may have physically eliminated one of the greatest icons of the war against terrorism, but he and his comrades-in-crime must know there are countless Soleimanis and Abu Mahdis in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Bahrain, Yemen, Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other parts of the Muslim world, not just to avenge the innocent blood of the martyrs but to carry on the campaign of justice against Global Arrogance.
The US must know that it is doomed to defeat, and try what it may in league with the Zionists, the terrorists, the traitors, and the hypocrites, against Islam, the trailblazers of the Global Government of Imam Mahdi (AS), cannot be stopped.

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