Sunday, January 31, 2021

Brighter Shines the Ten-Day Dawn

By: Kayhan Int’l

Heartiest congratulations to our readers, to the whole Iranian nation, and to the sympathizers of the Islamic Revolution all over the world on the start of the Ten-Day-Dawn that this year marks the 42nd anniversary of the resounding triumph of the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

This means that those born during these memorable days in 1979 when Iran freed itself from domestic despotism and foreign hegemony, thanks to the astute leadership of the Father of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (RA), have completed 42 years and are stepping into the 43rd year.
Long life to them; long life to the Islamic Revolution; long life to those who participated in its victory; and long life to those who continue to defend the ideals of Iran’s grassroots movement that over the past four decades has inspired people throughout our region and beyond against the devilish powers aligned with the Great Satan (the US).
Today, when Donald Trump and his criminal clique that sought to bring Iran to its knees have ended their miserable career in total failure despite their cowardly acts of terrorism, such as the illegal sanctions and the assassination of two of the symbols of the Islamic Republic’s power of defence and scientific development – General Qassem Soleimani and Dr. Mohsin Fakhrizadeh – we have every reason to celebrate Ten-Day Dawn of 2021 with more fervour, especially after our medics have mastered the manufacture of the Coronavirus vaccine to kill the pandemic.
Peace unto the soul of that Sage of the Age who transformed Iran into an invincible power that continues to shake Global Arrogance to its very foundations.
We are indeed proud to recall that memorable day when millions of Iranians had thronged Tehran’s Mehrabad Airport to catch a glimpse of the return from almost 15 years of exile of the iconoclast at whose impending arrival the British-installed and US-backed Shah had fled the country.
No doubt the enthusiastic masses in Iran sang in the streets, via the radio, and on the TV: "The devil has fled at the approach of the angel.”
Imam Seyyd Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini (God bless his soul) was the cynosure of all eyes throughout the world.
As the international media focused upon his charismatic personality, waiting for some sort of sensation in Iran, especially when the Pahlavi regime, or more properly the administrative apparatus of the Shah’s prime minister, Shapour Bakhtiar, was apparently intact and thundering threats, the unguarded Imam and his millions of unarmed followers, neither dug trenches nor went for weapons.
On this day in 1979, the Imam straightaway drove from the airport to the Behesht-e Zahra Cemetery which was blooming with more and more new graves every day, as the regime continued its killing spree in Tehran and other cities, on the orders of the its masters in the US and the illegal Zionist entity.
The Man of God chose the resting place of the apparently dead to address the world of the seemingly alive, all over the world where consciences had long frozen –nay become lifeless.
Every word, he spoke has been diligently recorded and is punctually aired and screened every year, and does not need to be repeated here, including his emphasis on establishing the Islamic Republic, his designation of the US as the ‘Great Satan’, and his promise of support to the oppressed people of Palestine and the region.
It is worth recalling that many of the self-acclaimed analysts and politicians had chuckled at the words of the black turbaned and white-bearded man in his late 70s. They didn’t give him much chance of survival, let alone success. They thought he was day-dreaming. Most in the West were convinced that he would soon be taken care of the Shah’s US-trained military, or pushed into the sidelines by a new brood of western-educated, and supposedly democratic-minded self-styled revolutionaries who were now pouring into Tehran from Paris, London, Bonn, New York, etc., in a bid to turn Iran into one of the those puppet republics.
How wrong they were – the analysts, the politicians, the experts, the Iran-watchers who viewed world developments through the stained glasses of either the capitalists in Washington, or the Communists in Moscow.
No need to recount the spectacular developments of the past forty-two years in the Islamic Republic, which Imam Khomeini firmly established as promised, and then guided it through the intensity of the devilish plots of the Great Satan, including the 8 year war imposed through Saddam.
In retrospect, whether today’s politicians, analysts, and experts of the West like it not, it is crystal clear that the Islamic Republic of Iran is the epitome of practical reality, while the Islamic Revolution which continues its inspirational awakening of the masses of the region and beyond, an undeniable fact.
The astounding progress of Islamic Iran in all fields, including its profound influence on the cultural, social, intellectual, and political developments outside the borders of Iran is proof of the farsighted vision of Imam Khomeini.
He predicted the end of communism and it is no more. He foretold the collapse of capitalism and it is on its last legs in the West. He prophesied the weeding out of the cancerous tumour called the Zionist entity, and it is in its death throes.
Thus in sheer frustration, the US and its clients in the rootless Arab states are most probably counting their last days in spite of their imposing of wars and backing of terrorists in the region in a desperate bid to undermine Iran.
Insha Allah (God Willing) the curtain will soon come down on not just Israel, but also all other spurious states, thereby ringing alarm bells in the US, which is now a deeply divided society, as the world awaits the promised new order of the global government of justice, to be established by the awaited Imam Mahdi (may God hasten his reappearance).
Didn’t Imam Khomeini say: Our Revolution was a burst of Light?

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