Friday, January 01, 2021

The role of Islamic parliaments against normalization

 Mahammad Ali Takhtravandeh

Qodsna (Tehran)- Mahammad Ali Takhtravandeh, Middle east expert:


Representatives of the Algerian Parliament started working on a draft law to rules out normalization of ties with Zionist regime and define any normalization as crime.

In recent days, the parliaments of other Islamic countries, such as Tunisia, Kuwait and Sudan, have also taken steps to criminalize the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime.


Meanwhile, Chairman of National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of Iranian Parliament also said in the virtual event of Islamic parliaments that the Iranian parliament is ready to cooperate to confront the policy of normalization


Abbas Golru describes Iran's plan to hold a national referendum in Palestine as “the most democratic solution to end the occupation, restore the rights of the Palestinian people and the coexistence of followers of all divine religions and the main inhabitants of the historic land of Palestine."


Ahmed Bahr, the Palestinian Legislative Council's Deputy Chairman also speaks at that event and praised the historic role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in supporting the Palestinian people and hails the position of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan in opposing US and Saudi pressure to normalize relations with the Zionist regime.


He called for serious and coordinated action by the parliaments of Islamic countries to counter the policy of normalization.


In the current situation that the process of normalization of relations with the Zionist regime has intensified with the support of the US government, the role of Islamic parliaments in confronting this process seems very important. In this situation, the parliaments of Islamic countries can pass appropriate deterrence laws to prevent possible actions by governments to normalize relations.


This is perhaps the first time that the role of Islamic countries’ parliaments is very important in regional and international affairs, and at this point, the people's representatives must perform their duties. 

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