Monday, January 04, 2021

Martyr Soleimani foiled US hegemonic plots in region

 Mohammad Hassan Akhtari

Tehran (qodnsa): Chairman of supreme council of Ahl-Ul-Bayt (AS) World assembly lauds martyr Soleimani’s key role in thwarting US schemes to disintegrate region.


Mohammad Hassan Akhtari, in an exclusive interview with Qodsna said General Soleimeni stood against US, Zionist regime plots and played key role in eliminating Daesh Takfiri terrorists from region.


In fact, General Soleimani made great endeavors to restore regional peace and security which was against US, Zionist regime’s interests, he added.


For all his success and sacrifices to fight terrorists, US took revenge from martyr Soleimani and assassinated him in an act of revenge, Akhtari said.


Despite the US sinister will and acts, martyr Soleimani is considered as the great hero of defeating US arrogance for Iranian nation and Islamic Ummah, he noted.

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