Saturday, January 02, 2021

Hour of Justice is Nigh

By: Kayhan Int’l

"And do not call those who were slain in Allah’s way ‘dead.’ Rather they are living, but you are not aware.” (Holy Qur’an 2:154)

It is now a year since two of the world’s topmost field commanders in the war against terrorism were slain in a cowardly manner on the orders of a notorious terrorist, Donald the Dastard (Trump), who thought that if he ended the physical presence of Iran’s Qassem Soleimani and Iraq’s Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, he and his criminal clique, including the illegal Zionist entity and the spurious state called Saudi Arabia would have a free hand in destabilizing West Asia.
How wrong was this murderous crook who today is fearful of his own shadow, and in a vain bid to prolong his satanic life that will soon be engulfed in the flames of hell, he rapidly changes his whereabouts!
Soleimani and Muhandis, from the serenity of paradise, are smilingly watching events unfolding on Planet Earth and the terrible fate in store for the US president, his henchmen in the State Department and the Pentagon, and the others involved in the dastardly deed carried out through drones directed from Ramstein airbase in Germany at Baghdad International Airport where Iraq had outsourced security services to Britain’s G4S.
In between are CIA agents of various nationalities as well as some traitors, who figure in the list of 48 culprits prepared by the Tehran Prosecutor for legal action and the deserving punishment, as part of the Islamic Republic’s avowed vengeance for which the hour is fast approaching.
The innocent blood of the immortal martyrs could be avenged in several places, spreading from the Subcontinent to North Africa and overlapping from West Asia into Europe and all the way to North America.
In the words of the Head of Iran’s Judiciary Branch, Hojjat al-Islam Ibrahim Raeesi, it means "Qasem Soleimani’s killers are not safe anywhere on Earth”, from Divine Wrath that will strike in due time.
He added without mincing words: Not even US President Donald Trump, who ordered the strike, is immune from justice.
For his part, Commander of the elite Quds Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), Brigadier-General Ismaeil Qa’ani, has said the seekers of justice inside the US may avenge the assassination of Lieutenant-General Qassem Soleimani.
He explicitly said: "With what you did, you created another job for the freedom-seekers of the entire world, and it is even possible that some people inside your home (the US) would respond to your crime.”
This means, so widespread is the popularity of the martyrs of the Baghdad Airport attack, along with the sense of justice of the conscientious avengers anywhere in the world, that the prime plotters and perpetrators in the US cannot be safe from their own bodyguards or security personnel.
Saddam, the bloodthirsty dictator of the repressive Ba’th minority regime of Baghdad, had been pulled out from a rabbit hole where he had hidden to escape death at the hands of the seekers of justice, and now it seems it is the turn of Trump to hide in a rat hole, from where he will certainly be smoked out for execution.
By committing a craven act of terror last year, the US violated int’l law & the UN Charter in a blatant violation of Iraqi sovereignty, and judging from the mood of the masses in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and elsewhere, the culprits have been cordoned from all sides for the heroic avengement.

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