Monday, January 04, 2021

A Costly Lapse that Claimed Two Valuable Lives

By: Kayhan Int’l

Sunday’s multimillion-strong rally in Baghdad is yet another referendum by the Iraqi people for the closure of all American military bases in the country and the expulsion of the Yankees.

"Death to the US the Great Satan” echoed in not just the capital but throughout Iraq, including the Sunni and Kurdish areas, as the nation paid tribute to the topmost martyrs of the anti-terrorism campaign – Iran’s Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani and Iraq’s Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis – on the first anniversary of their cowardly murder on the orders of roguish American president, Donald Trump, at Baghdad International Airport.
The Iraqis, like the Iranians, have vowed vengeance for the innocent blood of the two martyrs, and said the government now has to implement the national verdict to kick out the hated Americans from the sacred soil of Iraq, following the parliament’s unanimous resolution on January 5 last year for the same.
With people from all walks of life attending the commemoration ceremonies in huge numbers on Sunday evening at Tahrir Square and the night before at Baghdad International Airport – the scene of last year’s dastardly US drone attack – the message to the American occupiers is loud and clear: Leave or else you will have to return home in body bags.
The Resistance Front throughout the region is serious that the innocent blood of Soleimani and Abu Mahdi should not go unpunished, and the plotters and ought to be brought to justice, even if it means armed encounters.
As a matter of fact, the majority of Iraqi people consider it a costly lapse the wasted opportunity in Baghdad on 31st December 2019 when the US embassy which has never served as a diplomatic mission, was not captured by the masses who had penetrated the outer walls and were all poised for a historic moment.
They opine that had the revolutionaries taken over this den of sedition and exercised their national right to arrest all the culprits inside, the US would not have dared to violate Iraq’s sovereignty and assassinate the two leading field commanders of the Resistance Front who were engaged in diplomatic parleys for the peace and stability of the region.
It is rather unfortunate that diplomacy at times deals a death blow to national interests, which means politicians unfamiliar with either ground realities or events on the battlefields should stay out of sensitive scenarios, as General Soleimani staunchly believed and was successful as the decision-maker on the scene.
At any rate, it is still not too late for Hashd ash-Sha’bi, as the popular representative of the Iraqi people to safeguard the sovereignty and independence of the country, by coordinating efforts with the parliament, the judiciary, and the executive, for exit without further delay of the American forces.
Qassem Soleimani, as a diligent student of the school of the Father of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (RA), and as a loyal follower of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, has left an immortal and indomitable legacy.
With his firm belief in Islam and humanitarian values, he inspired scores of millions of people throughout the region and beyond by molding them into elite units capable of defeating not just the macabrely murderous terrorists but also their bloodthirsty masters.
This is the reason Global Arrogance is terrified at the voice of the Resistance Front resonating from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bahrain, Arabia, and other parts of the region.
Thus, justice will take its due course, and all those involved in the dastardly assassination of General Soleimani will definitely be punished irrespective of their posts.  

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