Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Trump tests positive: A win-win situation

 By Abir Bassam

As if the American situation needed more complications! The country is frying over the fire of racism; it is going through a difficult phase as the clock strikes since there are only 32 days left before the elections; and finally, its President Donald Trump has been diagnosed positive with Coronavirus.

 Accordingly, all the debates have been postponed, and he is going to the American elections unarmed. 

Trump was diagnosed on Friday, Oct. 2nd. That is 32 days before the elections on Nov. 3rd. The news of his illness must have confused his election team, which was clearly expressed in a statement made by Justin Clark, Trump's deputy campaign manager, because Bill Stepien, the campaign manager, who was diagnosed positive with COVID 19, will work remotely and will remain in control of the campaign. 

Ironically, Stepien and Trump and other campaign team members were boarded on Air Force One together on Tuesday, Sep. 29th. This shows real concerns about the rapidity of the virus spread among the election team. Trump is now infected. He has played down the seriousness of the virus as he was addressing his audience on Thursday night that "the end of a pandemic is in sight." 

Hence, Trump's management of war against COVID 19 was a total failure. He endangered above all his friends, supporters, team, and his family. On the other hand, it seems that his supporters were comfortable with his decisions, although the virus is spreading, and the numbers are soaring.  

However, given these facts, it seems that Trump's situation is concerning. He is now sick. He has ignored all the instructions given to him to protect himself. And he is under treatment with the experimental drug "Regeneron." The virus has hit several members of his consultants and three senators who interact with him. And Trump is an old and obese man, which will put him at great risk. In other words, his foolishness in dealing with the epidemic has got the best of him.

Although it might seem to be devious accusations, there are concerns that Trump might have resorted to claiming sickness as a way to escape the debates. This last accusation was falsely established. However, even to suggest, that is a cruel action. But in all case scenarios, whether Trump was sick or not, he is going to be considered as a hero among his partisans, whether he won the elections or not. Consequently, we should not be surprised if his unfortunate journey with the Coronavirus adds to his benefits in case he got well and won the elections.

Trump's democratic competitor Joe Biden went against its own declaration that he would not attack the president on Oct. 4th as he and his wife are infected with the virus. However, he continued to blame the president's policy in confronting the epidemic. Actually, Biden began to promote his status by benefiting from the situation which Trump's carelessness has created.

Biden might have thought that he won around. But this turned out to be a mistake. Before Trump's diagnosis as a Corona patient, polls showed that Biden's points in polls have dropped from 12 to 10. This clarifies that Trump's illness raised him 2 points without any troubles. Consequently, Trump has won public sympathy that might eventually lead him to win the elections easily if he survived his illness.

Trump promised his partisans that he is going to be well soon. However, according to / on Oct. 5th, reports on Trump's medical condition are more on confusion than clarity. Nonetheless, Trump left the medical center on Oct. 5th at midnight for a spin. He went for a ride, saluted his partisans, and returned to the medical center. It seems that the situation is working very well for his benefit. 

Currently, demonstrations are already filling the American streets against racism. The violence practiced by the American police forces is provoking hundreds of thousands in marching against the system. According to eyewitnesses, Trump's partisans are roaming the streets fully armed. Trump's administration has failed to grant social, financial, peace, security, and safety to the diversified American community. Finally, many professional and academic studies and articles across the web point out that America will be facing its own division as a united states into becoming a series of separate states.   

If Trump became seriously ill, the country would be uncharted territory. Great America will be out of leadership as long as he is alive. This is what the American press has been discussing, and there are two examples in American history: President Roosevelt and President Woodward's cases. Hence, as long as Trump is alive, even if incompetent, no one can take his place, not even the vice president Mike Pence. Add to that the inability of Congress to conceive since many of its members has been diagnosed with COVID 19.

The other concerning issue is that Trump has refused to accept the elections' outcome and peacefully leave the White House if he loses the elections. He clearly stated that he does not trust the outcome of voting by mail, his main concern that might be easily manipulated.

The third concerning issue is if Trump was seriously ill, it is expected that many voices will rise in favor of delaying the elections or they would fall into invalidating it. However, the delay will need the approval of the House of Representatives, which is led by the Democrats, and would be almost impossible to get. As a result, the Democrats might be accused of illegitimately stealing the elections. This narrative might lead to demonstrations and even violence among Trump's partisans. 

Trump obviously is getting more sympathy among the Americans today. Luck would not have worked in his favor as it did today, or in the favor of "Regeneron" and its manufacturer, if Trump passed this phase with the least complications.

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