Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Reduction of US hostility towards Iran, easing embargoes, in Pakistan’s interest: Analyst


Islamabad, IRNA -- A senior Pakistani defense analyst says the reduction of US hostility towards Iran and easing of embargoes on the Islamic Republic would be in the interest of Pakistan and the region.

Lieutenant General (Retd) Talat Masood in an article published in English daily ‘Express Tribune’ on Wednesday said Trump has turned America into a country that has now no set values.

He said America’s image has been torn to shreds by President Trump’s frequent impetuous utterances, erratic behavior and brazen flouting of democratic norms.

“The ugly scenes witnessed during the recent Presidential debate were the unpleasant manifestation of it,” he said.

He noted the world looks eagerly at the outcome of the presidential elections in November from their own lens.

Masood added there are countries, especially those that are ruled by autocrats and despots in the garb of democrats who would yearn that President Trump gets another term.

The analyst said unfortunately, Trump has turned America into a country that has now no set values.

He went on to say there could be differences in the approach between President Trump and Biden in dealing with Iran’s nuclear policy. “President Trump having abandoned the nuclear agreement, has been extremely hostile towards Iran,” he pointed out.

The expert went on to say a democratic administration would probably revive the 2015 long-term deal with the P5+1 — the US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany.

Talat Masood expressing his views said under the accord, which is known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Iran agreed to limit its nuclear activities, although, Iran had all along insisted that its entire program was entirely peaceful.

“The reduction of US-Iran hostility and easing of embargoes on Iran would be in the interest of Pakistan and the region,” he said.

He added it would open up prospects of enhanced formal trade and interaction between the two countries.

“In the longer term, it could have a salutary impact on Iran-Arab relations as the threat of military buildup would somewhat ease,” said the analyst.

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