Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Occupied Palestine No Longer a Safe Place for the Zionists

By: Kayhan Int’l

As the clock ticks towards the impending end of illegitimate Israel, more and more heartening news is coming from the occupied land of Palestine.
The Islamic Jihad, the Gaza-based liberation movement, says that its personnel have acquired the capability to strike with telling effect Tel Aviv or whatever part of the illegal Zionist entity that they choose.
According to Islamic Jihad leader Ziyad an-Nakhalah, "the Resistance Front is capable of striking Tel Aviv and all other towns, cities, villages, and settlements” in their Zionist usurped homeland.
Observers were quick to point out that this statement by Nakhalah wasn’t an exaggeration, especially in view of the rapidly improving defence capabilities of the Islamic Jihad, which like Hamas is a grassroots movement and relies on the support of all ordinary Palestinians.
The Palestinians have every right to acquire the latest defence technology, upgrade whatever weapons they have in their possessions, and invent more deadly armaments, in accordance with the rules of the UN Charter for people displaced and driven away from their homeland.
For the past seventy-two years, in the face of the brutalities of the Zionist regime, coupled with the undue compromises by the secular and so-called nationalist leaders, the Palestinian Islamic groups have shown they are made of sterner stuff.
They have heroically carried on the struggle to strike back at the Zionist regime for its periodic bouts of state terrorism. This has served to keep in check the Israeli atrocities.     
Now with the treason of the rootless and unrepresentative clannish and cultish Arab regimes evident to the whole world, the Palestinian resistace groups are all the more determined to carry on their struggle for the liberation of their homeland.
Nakhalah, in his televised interview yesterday, said the US-backed scheme to push certain Arab states, like the UAE and Bahrain, to establish diplomatic ties was aimed at ensuring obedience towards Israel, and if possible to kill the Palestinian cause.
Palestine, however, is not a commodity to be sold, and no Arab state has the right to, or can make a deal with Zionist and American devils over a land that does not belong to them.
It was an open secret that the Persian Gulf states were having clandestine trade, political, and economic ties with Israel for several decades, and their recent move to set up diplomatic ties appears as a desperate move on the assumption that this would prolong their own precarious survival.  
No, it does not make any difference to the Palestinian movements, which are confident of rapidly improving their defence capabilities, and in case of any future escalation of attacks by the Zionist entity, they will strike with full vengeance, as their new missiles are able to zero in on targets anywhere in Occupied Palestine – Tel Aviv, Haifa, and elsewhere.
When this happens, the world will be seeing the shattering of the so-called iron domes, and another strategic step towards the end of Israel.

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