Monday, October 12, 2020

Iranian Diplomat Tells Trump Not to Threaten Iran

TEHRAN (Press TV) -- An Iranian diplomat has advised Donald Trump to mind his language with a battle-tested nation like Iran, responding to an earlier foul-mouthed rant by the U.S. president, who is spending his twilight days at the White House.
"If I were Mr. Trump, I WOULD NOT threaten a peace-loving but warrior NATION in my last days in 1600 Penn,” Iran’s Ambassador to Azerbaijan Abbas Mousavi tweeted on Saturday, referring to the White House’s whereabouts.
On Friday, Trump said during a phone conversation with conservative American radio host Rush Limbaugh that Iran had better not "f--- around with us” or the U.S. would "do things to you that have never been done before.”
Mousavi’s tweet incorporated a picture of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani appearing to look menacingly at a much smaller picture of a terrified-looking Trump.
The senior anti-terror commander was assassinated in a U.S. drone strike in Baghdad in January. He has earned a reputation as the "number one enemy” of the Takfiri terror group of Daesh that Washington is widely blamed for creating and nurturing.
Earlier, Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh also reacted to Trump’s insult in a tweet. "The Iranian people aren’t intimidated by the bullying rhetoric of the failing & lawless US regime,” he said.
"Our people leave no stone unturned in defending Iran’s dignity. WE will choose response to U.S. crimes—incl sadistic sanctions & criminal assassination of ISIS (Daesh) #1 enemy Gen Soleimani,” the official added.
The Trump administration returned the U.S.’s inhumane sanctions against Iran after leaving a historic 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and other countries in 2018.
On Thursday, Washington imposed sanctions on 18 major Iranian banks in an attempt to virtually cut off the Islamic Republic from the international financial network.
Iran has denounced the coercive measures as vehicles of "economic terrorism,” but vowed that it would survive the U.S. pressure.

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