Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Iran, Russia should work together to confront US media plots: Tehran

Iranian officials attend a virtual meeting of the Russo-Iranian Joint Media Cooperation Committee, in Tehran on October 6, 2020.

 Tehran says Iran and the Russian Federation should cooperate to confront the plots the United States has been pursuing against the two nations through media.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeid Khatibzadeh made the remarks on Tuesday during the third meeting of the Russo-Iranian Joint Media Cooperation Committee, which was held online with media policymakers and directors from the two sides in attendance.

The participants included Mohammad Khodadi, the Iranian Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance’s press deputy, and Peyman Jebelli, the CEO of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB)’s World Service.

Khatibzadeh further said Tehran and Moscow have to engage in “intellectual and media cooperation” to stand up to the American inroads, and that the Islamic Republic was prepared to speed up joint efforts with Russia with that end in sight.

Khatibzadeh reminded that the world was “undergoing a change” as a result of the new coronavirus that has come to affect all international political and economic aspects, among other things.

“In this changing world, the Eastern axis is considered to be an important politico-economic axis, where Tehran and Moscow play an important role,” he stated.

The image that was being reflected onto the world of the two countries carries significance given the influx of fake news targeting them both, the official said. The Foreign Ministry is, therefore, prepared to collaborate with the Russian side to deepen the level of bilateral cooperation towards enhancing that image, he noted.

Tehran and Moscow’s opposition to Washington’s unilateralist and interventionist policies have, for long, been serving as a unifying element in their strategic relations.

The countries have both been lending assistance to the regional countries that have come under the scourge of Takfiri terrorism, which the US and its allies are blamed for nurturing and funding.

In late 2017, Iranian military advisory support helped Iraq and Syria defeat the Takfiri terror group of Daesh that is considered to be an American brainchild. In the case of Syria, Russian backup airstrikes also proved decisive in the course of Damascus’ victory over the terrorists.

Iran’s Ambassador to Moscow, Kazem Jalali, who was also present in the meeting, likewise said the countries were common in their joint opposition to unilateralism, occupationism, and extremism.

However, official diplomatic vehicles are not capable of doing much without accompanying means of general and media diplomacy, Jalali stated.

Still underlining the importance of the propagandist role that was being played by international media, Khodadi said, “Today, it is the media currents that [are deployed to] beat the drums of war. It is the media outlets that are deployed with one country’s money to act against another one’s people.”

A senior Iranian media delegation visited Moscow last year on a trip aimed at enhancing the two sides’ cooperation in the relevant field.

The head of the delegation, Jebelli underlined during the stay that cooperation between Iranian and Russian media outlets was an “effective step” toward ending Western media dominion.

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