Sunday, September 27, 2020

The U.S. is headed for a fall like it has never before seen

BY: Martin LoveThe U.S. is headed for a fall like it has never before seen

Trump himself, want to provoke Iran into a military attack or maneuver that could be used as a pretext to unleash a massive American attack on Iran, and quite possibly spark a regional war in the Middle East.

NOURNEWS/NORTH CAROLINA - Here’s a small smorgasbord of relevant issues and views and prognostications about such. At this time, the beginning of autumn, no particular issue has serious predominance over any other as warranting particular importance, except the matter of war and peace in the Middle East. They are all entwined about the primary world concern over what will transpire in the U.S. around the November elections and what impact this may have on governance and U.S. foreign policy. Let’s look quickly at some various issues and questions.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg died at 87 and leaves vacant a sent on the U.S. Supreme Court, which is going to be contested heavily. She has long been lionized dramatically about her efforts to secure justice and access for women and others. But she ought also to be a target for criticism by champions of human rights for not retiring when Obama was POTUS and permitting Obama to make a selection for the U.S. Supreme Court, knowing full well that a Republican winner (Trump)n could overturn much of the liberal legacy of the court since then 1960s, including the right of woman to have abortions and some civil rights legislation affecting Blacks and other minorities. She must have imagined Trump could get the opportunity to stack the court with another conservative justice.

Trump does, however risk winning the election IF he pushes to have a Supreme Court vacancy filled before the November election, as he currently claims he will.
Indications are that Democrats are against it one hundred percent, and half of GOP voters.

 Also, it’s worth noting also that Ginsburg was a fervent Zionist Jew, so she was NOT at all consistent as a serious human rights advocate. She did not give a damn about millions of Palestinians.
Pressured by the upcoming election, and desperately looking for any incremental votes obtainable (given recent polls of U.S. voters suggesting Joe Biden has an advantage of several percentage points), and also looking for more dollars to finance his campaign, probably from billionaire Zionist Sheldon Adelson, it’s obvious Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Trump himself, want to provoke Iran into a military attack or maneuver that could be used as a pretext to unleash a massive American attack on Iran, and quite possibly spark a regional war in the Middle East.

Such would come on the heels of the absurd deals between Israel and the U.A.E. and Bahrain (so far), deals that are faux “peace pacts” because these countries have not been at war with each other. It’s also evident that the Trump Administration ideologues and Neocons that also includes adviser on Iran, Eliot Abrams, have been suffering bruised egos after the U.N. rejected U.N. sanction “snapbacks” because the U.S. abandoned the JCPOA in May of 2018. The U.S. government in general, and the Trump Administration in particular, have been so flush with arrogance, xenophobia, racism, hatred and narcissism that ANY country that resists or objects to any aspect of U.S. imperialism usually becomes a target for attack, sanctions or regime change.

But consider a possible scenario: The Trump gang wants to enforce the “snapback” sanctions as a means to provoke war with Iran. So, for example, it could intercept and pirate Iranian commerce and commercial vessels on the high seas.

But Iran could react and do the same to American flagged vessels. That in turn could provoke war or at least American retaliation and so on. Both countries have to be extremely careful. But can the U.S. afford a regional war it started in the Middle East and can it afford to see alleged “allied” regimes in the Persian Gulf, like those at Bahrain and the U.A.E., destroyed? The vast majority of populations in BOTH countries and throughout the Persian Gulf despise their masters and any abandonment of the Palestinians.

And does the U.S. have the staying power in any regional war focused on Iran? The answer here is clearly “No”. The U.S. public also does not have the stomach for another big war in the Middle East, and the U.S. cannot literally afford the costs because the country is, by any rational measure, already bankrupt.

Trump is mistaken if he thinks starting a war with Iran is going to help him win the election in November. It probably would not. Such nasty tricks are no longer capable of manipulating most American voters and Iran, whatever the wretched costs, would likely be the country that ends the war with a strategic victory.

In any event the election will probably not be decided until next year because both parties will contest the apparent initial result. This means, in effect, that the U.S. could evolve into a failed state with some sort of civil wars on its bloody hands.

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