Sunday, September 27, 2020

Is it Time up for Saudi Arabia?

By: Kayhan Int’l 

Was it frustration of failures of his regime’s military misadventures throughout the region, or was it confidence in the now open relations after decades of covert ties with illegitimate Israel that made a senile king of a British-created spurious state to indulge in wild accusations against the Islamic Republic of Iran?

Perhaps both, but the 85-year old Salman bin Abdul-Aziz who is not known to possess any intellectual capabilities and only serves as a convenient cover to the idiotic ambitions of his seventh son (born of a third wife), the 35-year old MBS (Mohamed bin Salman), was only reading in a faltering tone the script written as a virtual (video) address for the 75th General Assembly of the United Nations.
Salman, or more properly the content he read without knowing what actually it meant, was delirious, especially Saudi Arabia’s supposed contribution to regional peace and Iran’s alleged role in creating instability.
The ridiculous speech, hypocritically lauded by Godfather US and the Zionist entity since both the Americans and the Israelis were consulted in its preparation, was derisively dismissed by the majority of world countries.
Senior Iranian officials deemed it worthless to respond and left it to Iran’s permanent representative to the UN headquarters in New York, Majid Takht-Ravanchi, to issue a formal rebuke, followed by a brief reference in Tehran by Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh in his weekly press conference.
Takht-Ravanchi rightly remarked: "Saudi Arabia desperately seeks to blame others in order to deflect attention from its long, dark record of extensive support for terrorism, promoting extremist ideologies, sowing seeds of discord and hatred, destabilizing the region and committing crimes in Yemen in its 6 years of war.”
He also recalled that Saudi Arabia was the main financial backer of Ba’thist dictator Saddam during the 8-year war against Iran and the countless crimes he committed, including use of chemical weapons against Iranian soldiers and cities.  
For his part, Khatibzadeh took note: "The Saudi regime’s support for and alignment with the US in keeping up the failed policy of ‘maximum pressure’ against Iran as well as its attempts to expand relations with the Zionist occupiers of Palestine and paying billions of dollars as bribe to others from the pockets of the people of the land, has not only not brought any result but has turned Saudi Arabia into a humiliated entity among Arab states.”
In putting the facts straight, Mohammad-Ali al-Houthi, the Chairman of Yemen’s Supreme Revolutionary Committee, was rather blunt, when he tweeted: "King Salman well knows the Yemenis are only fighting the US which is using Saudi soil and US-made weapons to wage war against the Yemeni nation. If he has scores to settle with Iran, he’d better face the country directly.”
It is obvious that a spurious state, which like the fake entity Israel, lacks history, geography, culture, and even religion – Wahhabism is a heretical cult not any Islamic school – cannot survive for long.
It owes its precarious existence on the soil of Arabia to the fast declining Americans who supply obsolete weaponry in exchange for hundreds of billions of petro-dollars of the looted oil wealth of the deprived Shi’a Muslim majority of the eastern region.
In view of these undeniable facts, it is a mere conjecture to think that open relations with the dastardly Zionists who shake in their boots at the very mention of the names Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Islamic Jihad, can save the cowardly military losers in Yemen and the funders of macabrely murderous terrorists that were defeated in Syria and Iraq, to dare to confront the people’s power of Islamic Iran.
No, the Islamic Republic, unlike the Saudi support for terrorists sporadically operating in southeastern Iran from across the Pakistani borders, does not finance or supply military hardware to any of the many dissident groups in Arabia, because it knows the regime in Riyadh is a mere cobweb – the weakest of all abodes as God Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an – that will vanish the moment a gust blows.
The people of Hijaz, Najran, Ha’il, the Eastern Region, and even Najd – homeland of the desert brigand Abdul-Aziz for whom Britain created Saudi Arabia in 1932 – have become conscious of the crimes being committed by the Wahhabi clan against Islam, Muslims, and Arabs, through its brutalities in Yemen and the betrayal of the Palestinian cause, because of its slavish attitude to London and Washington, as well as its camaraderie with the Zionists.
Therefore, it is only a matter of time before the CENTCOM terrorists are kicked out from the entire region of West Asia, along with the usurpers of Palestine, and, of course, the rootless, unrepresentative, and repressive regimes in the Arab world.
In other words, when Imam Mahdi (AS), the Saviour of mankind, reappears at the Holy Ka’ba in Mecca to announce his global government of peace, prosperity, and justice, with Iraq as his capital, with Prophet Jesus (AS) as his lieutenant, and the Yemani and Khorasani joining him, there will be no state called Saudi Arabia  

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