Sunday, June 14, 2020

A Socialist Changes Track in Capitalist US

By: Kayhan Int’l 

It is rather unreasonable of an avowed socialist, who was a successful prime of his capitalist-encircled country and with an impressive record while president of the Socialist International and later as UN High Commissioner for Refugees, to succumb to the deceit of capitalism by making a blatantly implausible claim against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The person who in his inaugural address as Secretary General of the United Nations Organization on 1st of January 2017 pledged peace as his foremost duty and then six months later on June 2017, warned "if the United States disengages from many issues confronting the international community, it will be replaced”, has released an irrational statement that made the Iranian foreign ministry retort:
"Undoubtedly, such reports will not only fail to help [promote] peace and security in the region and implement [UN] Security Council resolutions, but also completely destroy the validity and reputation of the United Nations.”
What made Portugal’s Antonio Guterres to wrongly say in the UN report that cruise missiles used by Yemen’s Ansarallah defenders on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia in November 2019 and February 2020 were of "Iranian origin”?
He didn’t stop at that and the man who at the beginning of his UN presidency denounced the Saudi naval, land and air blockade of Yemen by calling Riyadh’s aggression with American-British weapons as "a stupid war”, shocked the world by further stating in his obviously US-dictated report that Iran transferred military items to Yemen in a manner inconsistent with Security Council Resolution 2231.
Nothing could be far from the truth. It seems the pressures from Washington, coupled with the petro-dollars of Saudi Arabia, as well as the quest for a second 5-year term as head of the World Body when the current term expires in 2022, have made the one-time socialist to change track and blurt out untruth in the most unconvincing way.  
Guterres turned a blind eye to the unabated supply of state-of-the-art military hardware to Saudi Arabia by the US and the UK for the destruction of Yemen and the killing so far of over a hundred thousand Yemen people, while claiming that the UN experts (read American) ‘examined’ the debris of weapons used in the attacks on the Aramco oil facilities in Khurais and Abqaiq in September, to lay the blame on Iran.
The Iranian Foreign Ministry has promptly rejected the fabricated UN report for its inattention to the sales of lethal weapons to Saudi Arabia to kill the defenseless people of Yemen, and referring to the supposed ‘examination’ of the weapons debris, said: "It seems Saudi garbage is being checked for proof.”
It also deplored that the dubious UN report has come at a time when the Donald Trump administration is drafting a "dangerous” resolution to "illegally” extend an arms embargo against Iran.
The Iranian Foreign Ministry advised the UN Secretariat not to play into the hands of the US and also warned the Word Body against contributing to such a dangerous trend by preparing illegal reports.
It said: "Preparing reports with political motivation will not change the facts and it is clear to all that the current circumstances in the region have directly resulted from the wrong policies of the United States and the child-killing Saudi regime.”
The UN Chief by tacitly siding with the US administration has moreover insulted the black American citizens who are presently protesting against the rampant social injustice of white supremacist rulers.   

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