Sunday, March 15, 2020

U.S. sanctions impeding Iran’s efforts in fighting coronavirus: UN envoy

TEHRAN - Majid Takht-Ravanchi, Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations, has said that the United States’ sanctions impede Iran’s efforts in fighting the coronavirus outbreak.
“Returned to New York from Tehran last night. People and government of Iran working hard to defeat Covid-19, but the U.S. sanctions impeding their efforts,” he tweeted on Friday.
He added, “High time for the U.S. to de-politicize this humanitarian endeavor and lift sanctions. International crises necessitate genuine international efforts.”
Iran is currently battling the world’s deadliest outbreak of the coronavirus outside China, where it originated.
Iran has denounced the U.S. for impeding the effective fight against the coronavirus through its sanctions, especially medical sanctions.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has sent a letter to the United Nations chief Antonio Guterres urging the largest international body to disregard Washington’s sanctions on Tehran amid the coronavirus outbreak.
Zarif broke out the content of the letter to Guterres in a Tweet on Friday night, writing, “I urge the world body—and member states—to disregard inhuman U.S. sanctions on my country. And insist that they be lifted.”
“As the #COVID19 ravages Iran, we should recognize that viruses don't discriminate. To fight them, neither should humans,” he added, posting the following two-page letter as attached photos.

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