Saturday, March 14, 2020

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iran

UNESCO World Heritage sites are protected for future generations. Iran is one of the oldest countries with rich history and culture. The country has more than 20 historical sites included in UNESCO World Heritage.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iran: Chogha Zanbil 
The ancient city of Choga-Zanbil was first included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The city was built in 1250 BC. The height of the last two stages were 60 meters, but they were destroyed. Currently ziggurat height is 25 meters.
Choga-Zanbil is located in Khuzestan province. Today it is almost impossible to get into the center of the ancient city, still it is worth to take a walk about the attraction even if you are going to see the walls.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iran:  Persepolis
Persepolis is the symbol of the greatness and glory of Iran. The city is located in Fars province, which was one of the most powerful regions in the 5th century BC. Persepolis was built by Darius 1 the Great, King Xerxes the Great continued building the city. Unfortunately, the city was completely destroyed by Alexander the Great.
Persepolis was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iran: Meidan-Imam Square and Jameh Mosque of Isfahan
Meidan-Imam square, built in 1598, is located in the center of Isfahan. By the order of Sheikh Abbas, the capital was moved to Isfahan, and the square was built as a place of meeting Sheikh with people. The square is surrounded by historical buildings: Ali Kapu Palace, mosques and the historical bazaar of Isfahan. Each building has historical importance for Iran. The square was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979.
Another attraction in Isfahan, which has become the part of the UNESCO World Heritage is Jami Mosque. The mosque is one of the largest in Iran; its the construction began in 771 and lasted until the 20th century, and therefore the halls of the mosque are built in different architectural styles. This is a unique “museum” of architecture, where all styles of Iranian architecture are presented.
The mosque was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2012.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iran: Takht-e Soleymān
The ruins of the ancient city of Takht-e Soleymān are located at a distance of 750 km from Tehran. The complex was built during the reign of the Sassanid dynasty and had a huge impact not only on Islamic architecture, but also on the development of architecture of other cultures. The complex is an oval shaft and defensive towers of conical shape. The complex is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2007.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iran: Pasargadae
Тhe construction of the first capital of the Achaemenid Empire, Pasargadae, began in 559 BC. At the time, Pasargadae was famous for its sumptuous gardens and palaces, which represented all the beauty of the architecture and culture of Ancient Persia. The ruins of Pasargadae are located near the city of Shiraz (Shiraz province, the Persian Gulf). Who carried out archaeological excavations on the site of the ancient city.
The city has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iran; Bam
The ancient city is famous for the unique design of mud clay. It was founded in the 5th century BC and reached the peak of development in the 7th century, when the city appeared in the center of important trade routes.
The fortress itself is in the center of Bam Citadel, and the whole town was built around it. In 2003, part of the citadel was destroyed by an earthquake, the reconstruction of the fortress began right after the earthquake. In 2004, Citadel Bana was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iran; Soltanieh mausoleum
Soltanieh mausoleum of the 14th century is located in Zanjan Province. The mausoleum is unique in the terms of architechture because it has two-layered dome with eight minarets. From the outside the dome is decked in blue, the inner walls are covered with unique paintings, the beauty of which is compared to the Taj Mahal.
In 2005, the mausoleum of Soltanieh was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iran; Archaeological object Bisotun
Archaeological excavations and ruins in the territory of Iran Bisotun are prehistoric times. Some of the excavations belong to the period when Ancient Persia wasn’t formed yet. The most important value is Bisotun inscription and bas-relief of King Darius 1 the Great (521 BC). Cuneiform is written  three languages – Babylonian, Elamite and Old Persian. On the bas-relief there is illustrated the story of King Darius and the murder of the warlock Gaumata.
Bisotun site was included in the UNESCO Heritage in 2006.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iran; Armenian Monasteries
History and culture of the two neighbouring ancient countries Armenia and Iran are closely related and it is not surprising. Armenian monastery complex is considered a unique architectural object.
The complex consists of three monasteries: St Thaddeus, St Stepanos and the Chapel Dzordzor. The oldest monastery is St. Thaddeus, 7th century. The monastery is located in the town of Maku, Chaldoran region, province of East Azerbaijan. The complex was reconstructed for many times and is in excellent condition.
Armenian monastery complex was added to the UNESCO Heritage list in 2008.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iran; Ancient irrigation system in Shushtar
City Island is located in the province of Shushtar Huzeran and it was once the summer residence in the Sassanid era, but the ancient city became part of UNESCO in 2009 thanks to a unique irrigation system, built in the 5th century BC. In those days, Shushtar system was considered a miracle.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iran; Khanega and the sanctuary of Sheikh Safi al-Din in Ardabil
The complex is built in the style of Islamic architecture and consists of facilities related to Iranian culture: mosque, mausoleum, school, library, hospital and other buildings. The complex was built in the 16th century and was renovated in the 18th century.
The road leading to the sanctuary is divided into sections with 8 gates symbolizing the 8 provisions of Sufism. Sanctuare consists of 7 parts symbolizing the seven stages of Sufi mysticism. The complex is decorated with colorful facades that are unique samples of Iranian architecture.
The sanctuary became a place of pilgrimage, and in 2010 was included in the UNESCO heritage.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iran; Historical Bazaar of Tabriz
After Tabriz became the capital of Iran, the Bazaar has become the most important center in the capital and throughout the country. Bazaar is considered the largest covered bazaar in the world and consists of brick buildings for different purposes. Bazaar was included in the UNESCO Heritage list in 2010.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iran; Gonbad-e Kāvus
Gonbad-e-Kāvus monument is located on the north of the country, in the city with similar name. Gonbad-e-Kāv is a huge tower-tomb of the famous Iranian poet and prince Kavus. The monument was built during his reign in the 11th century. Construction of the tower with the height of 55 meters was completed six years before the death of the prince.
The monument was listed as a UNESCO heritage in 2012.
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Iran; Persian gardens
Persian Garden is a complex of 9 gardens in different cities: Garden Pahlevanpur, garden Dolatabad in Yazd, Eram Garden in Shiraz, garden Abbasabad in Mazandaran, Pasargadae garden in Pasargadae, Shazde Garden in Mahane, park in Isfahan, garden Akbari in Khorasan province, Fin garden in Kishan.
Art of construction of gardens with palaces began before Christ, during the reign of Cyrus the Great. Persian garden is divided into four zones, each of them symbolizes a separate element (sky, water, earth, green).

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