Saturday, March 14, 2020

Trump is not serious about helping Iran to confront coronavirus, Nasrallah says

Trump is not serious about helping Iran to confront the coronavirus, then the U.S. should lift its sanctions off of Iran. Otherwise, this is another instance of American hypocrisy.
The Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah in a televised speech said "Coronavirus has become a concern for the whole world, not just for Lebanon or the countries of the region."
Hezbollah's leader also characterizes Coronavirus as an "enemy" and that the fight against it - to prevent its spread & find a treatment for it - is a "battle."
"Our decision must be a confrontation of this threat. When the Israeli enemy invaded Lebanon, people debated how to respond. But now we must confront this invading enemy with resistance - we must not feel defeated." he added. “Anyone accusing Hezbollah of trying to cover up coronavirus infections is lying”.
"The UK government has not been transparent or honest about coronavirus infections. Neither has the United States," Nasrallah highlighted.
"Donald Trump has been minimizing the issue, saying it is less of an emergency than the normal flu. The governor of Ohio then admitted that the U.S. might have 100,000 infections. So Trump is the world's biggest liar on coronavirus, while the US vice president and its foreign minister Pompeo shamelessly claims Iran is covering up its illnesses" he noted.
If Donald Trump is serious about helping Iran to confront the coronavirus, then the U.S. should lift its sanctions off of Iran. Otherwise, this is another instance of American hypocrisy.

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