Saturday, March 14, 2020

Rivers in Iran

Water is the source of life, therefore civilization was born near water. Iran, as one of the cradles of ancient civilization, developed differently. The development and prosperity of the ancient civilization in Iran depended on a unique invention, artificial underground river. The ancient civilization of Iran was the first to invent the technology of underground irrigation system, which has become a “reason” of the development of civilization and, subsequently, of the country.
Iran is a country of deserts and mountains with dry tropical climate. Along the coast of the Caspian Sea subtropical continental climate is dominating. Here the average temperature in the winter reaches to +14 °C, in summer the temperature reaches to +32 °C. In the dry tropical climate zone in winter the temperature can be 10 below 0, in the summer the temperature riches to + 37 °C. Mostly the weather is dry with occasional precipitation. Due to the dry climate, the rivers are shallow. Riverbeds are mainly filled with snow waters in the spring. Rivers flow into either the Caspian Sea, which is located in the north of the country, or in Persian bay (located in the south).
The main rivers are used for irrigation of large agricultural areas. Hydroelectric power plants provide mostly large oil refineries and other industrial sectors.
So, today we’re going to tell you about the most beautiful and famous rivers of Iran.
Rivers in Iran: Sefid-Rud
The largest river in Iran is Sefid-Rud (the name translates as White River). The river originates from the reservoir Shabana and flows into the Caspian Sea. Sefid-Rud is the most abundant river in the north of the country. With its inflows the length of river riches up to 720 km. The river is fed both with groundwaters and rainwaters.
Thanks to the reservoir, from which the river flows, the risk of flooding in the broad estuary of the river where there are large cities Langarud, Rasht and Bandar-e Anzali, is significantly reduced
River Qizil Üzan, inflow of Sefid-Rud river, is one of the largest rivers in the north of Iran. The river flows through the Iranian Plateau from the Zagros mountain range. The river has its major and minor tributaries, the river itself is fleeting and abruptly changes in a few places.
Rivers in Iran: Karun
Karun River
The only navigable river in the country is Karun (950 km). There is a cascade built on the river that allows using river resources. There is also a reservoir, popular place to relax for locals.
River Delta has formed the island of Abadan with the eponymous town. Flowing through the southwest of the country the river decorates Iran, reviving the nature around.
According to the legend, the Karun River is one of the rivers of the Garden of Eden, and it is truly a holy river. While it is hardly possible to prove the legend, the archaeological excavations have proved that the river was of great importance in the formation of the first settlements in the territory. Thanks to the unique system of channels for water distribution desert was turned into an oasis, Isfahan.
Rivers in Iran: Zayanderud
Zayande River
The name of the river means “life giver”. Zayanderud is the largest river in the central part of the country (400 km). The river passes through the major city of Isfahan, which has an important cultural and economic importance for the country. The river is famous for medieval bridge Shahrestan and beautiful arched bridges. Zayanderud is decorated with five ancient and six modern bridges. One of the most famous bridges Si-o-seh pol has thirty-three arches. At the bottom and the top of the bridge, there are lodges, where you can relax and enjoy gorgeous views of the river.
Rivers in Iran: Kashafrud
The river flows from the northwest of the country. 260 km long river is formed by melted snow and rainwater. Since the river is fed by rainwater, by the end of summer, the riverbed is almost dry. In addition, the river passes through Mashhad oasis settlements and is consumed intensively.
Along the borders of Iran, there are three rivers: Aras flows through the borders of Iran, Armenia, Turkey and Azerbaijan. Atrek passes through Iran and Turkmenistan border, Iran is divided from Iraq by the river Shatt al-Arab. At different times the rivers had become the main objects of territorial disputes.

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