Monday, September 23, 2019

Holy Defence Values, the Most Powerful Weapon in Iran’s Armoury

By: S. Nawabzadeh
As the annual Holy Defence Week commenced throughout Iran with military parades and ceremonies in remembrance of the sudden and unprovoked start of the 8-year war, imposed on the Islamic Republic on September 22, 1980 by the U.S. through Saddam of the repressive Ba’th minority regime of Baghdad, the nation that was caught off guard 39 years ago, is today fully prepared to nip in the bud any aggressive move by the enemies. 
Saddam maybe long dead and was no more than a pawn in the hands of his masters as an instrument of war, destruction, and bloodshed; but the avowed enemy of Iran and the Iranian people, is still on the loose and despite its string of failures vis-à-vis the Islamic Republic, seems intent upon more devilry through use of other pawns in the region.
Blind to realities, the U.S., led this time by a crook called Donald Trump, thinks that he can browbeat Islamic Iran into submission through economic terrorism, coupled with military threats.
This time, the pawn in the satanic game is the heretical Wahhabi regime of the spurious entity called Saudi Arabia, which Britain created in 1932 for its salaried servant, Abdul-Aziz, the desert brigand from Najd, who seven years earlier on London’s order had brutally attacked and occupied Hijaz the Land of Divine Revelation, by shedding torrents of Muslim blood in the sacred precincts of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.
Washington, which because of its inherent enmity towards Iran, has turned the fiefdoms of Arabia into massive storehouses of state-of-the-art armaments, is licking its wounds following failure of its sophisticated radar/missile defence system to prevent the drones of Yemen from destroying the oil installations of Saudi Arabia.
It is obvious, the U.S. is making a big blunder again by blaming the Islamic Republic for last week’s spectacular attack on Abqaiq by the Ansarallah, on the assumption that a military "coalition of the criminals” could be built up for adventure against Iran, or at least to scare the indomitable Iranian people.
This time, however, any imposed war through any American pawn on a nation that continues to proudly commemorate the heroic memories of the Holy Defence of the 1980s, will prove suicidal for Uncle Sam, since any wrong move will be powerfully countered by the ever-vigilant defenders of the Islamic Republic, ready to help the oppressed people of the Arabian Peninsula throw into the dustbin of history the rootless, reactionary and repressive regimes. 
Here, we would like to point out that the strength of Islamic Iran is not confined to its growing defensive military might, which in Islamic terminology is called "Jihad Asghar” (Lesser Jihad), but strongly rests upon the values of "Jihad Akbar” (Greater Defence) which Iran’s Muslim combatants had so dexterously displayed during the 8-year Holy Defence that enabled them to enact epics of resistance at the warfronts to defeat the war machine of a murderous regime, supported by the then Capitalist West and the Socialist East.
In other words, weapons and brilliant military strategy do play their roles, as was recently evident by the downing of the world’s most expensive radar/missile avoiding drone, but what inspired Iran’s Muslim combatants to achieve victory after memorable victory against the American-supported Ba’thist enemy, without the least doubt, were spiritual values.
We still remember vividly the regular recitation of the famous "Kumayl Supplication” and the "Ziyarat” (salutation) of the Martyr of Karbala, Imam Husain (AS), in the bunkers on the frontlines, interspersed with cries of God’s Majesty (Allah-o Akbar) by Iranian forces that demoralized the enemy.
These were, and still are, the super weapons – more powerful than nuclear bombs – in the arsenal of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which at the same time continues to test, develop and mass produce sophisticated conventional arms that are on par, if not superior, to the state-of-the-art military technology of the enemies.
The spiritual armory which originated in Iran in the 1980s and has since spread over the region, today unnerves the devilish destabilizers of West Asia – the U.S., the Zionists, the Takfiris, the Aal-e Khalifa, the Aal-e Saud, the Aal-e Nahyan etc., --who  are clearly in a state of panic at the failure of their materialistic might.
Iran didn’t seek an armed conflict in September 1980, neither did it militarize Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Gaza, and Yemen in the subsequent years, nor does it want a war in the region now 39 years later, but if the cowardly enemies indulge in any misadventure, Tehran has plenty of cards to play and will definitely deal the death blow to all the devilish powers.
The terrorists and their cowardly backers, whoever they might be – the US, Israel, and the reactionary Arab states – should not think that they can get away with their crimes against humanity in any part of West Asia.
In short, whatever dastardly act the Great Satan and its devilish minions think they are capable of carrying out, the Islamic Republic and the Iranian people, with trust in God Almighty and on the basis of the values of the Holy Defence, are confident of defeating them, no matter the magnitude of sacrifices required, as taught by Imam Husain (AS).

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