Sunday, September 22, 2019

Coalition of the Criminals

By: Kayhan Int’l

The recent reports of certain reactionary regional regimes joining the Great Satan in its devilish plot to destabilize the region in the vain hope of bringing the Islamic Republic to its knees, is not just another proof of the growing strength of the Resistance Front, but shows the sheer intellectual and political bankruptcy of the conspirators.
Without the least doubt, Donald Trump is filthy crook as is evident by his roguish polish policies in the U.S. and on the international scene, including the breach of the 7-nation accord on Iran’s peaceful nuclear programme, followed by the economic terrorism against the Iranian people, coupled with flexing of the aching American military muscles in and around the Persian Gulf.
This means, leaving aside the cowardly countries who have succumbed to illegitimate and extraterritorial pressures of the U.S. president in stopping oil imports from Iran, the regimes that have not only not stopped bearing fangs at the Islamic Republic at every turn but have now willfully ganged up with the naval forces of the Americans, are criminals to their very core.
In other words, the British-installed rootless regimes of the Aal-e Saud, the Aal-e Nahyan, and the Aal-e Khalifa, which have openly announced their decision to destabilize the Persian Gulf, by joining the Coalition of the Criminals assembled by Washington that also includes the illegitimate Zionist entity,
 think that Trump’s theatrics can avert their own impending downfall.
The dastards whose armies and state-of-the-art-military technology supplied by the U.S. have failed to dent the resolve of the resistance forces in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and now Yemen, instead of opening their eyes to the realities, have again made a big blunder of hovering under the porous umbrella of the Americans on the assumption that the already scared U.S. will be goaded to fight Iran to the last American soldier.
Well, if this is their wish and if Trump thinks that American lives are worthless and should be sacrificed on the altar of his crimes against humanity, especially his Yazid-like urge to target the Hussaini-nation of Iran and all those forces in the region that are inspired by the immortal movement of the Martyrs of Karbala, so be it.
For the past forty years, Iran has proven time and again that it never wilts under pressure, even war, as is evident by the 8-year conflict that the U.S. had imposed on the Islamic Republic in the 1980s through Saddam of the repressive Ba’th minority regime.
Whatever the magnitude of plots by the Trump the Terrorist, who criminally breached the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action) and then subjected the Iranian people to his devilish sanctions, in addition to plunging West Asia into chaos, the only fate awaiting the Criminal of the Coalition is defeat and disgrace.

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